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Manatee Planning Commission Agenda Results: September 11, 2014


BRADENTON — The Schroeder Manatee Ranch Inc. University Lakes project dominated the meeting and ended in a tie vote. Residents showed up to complain about the possibility of a 10-story building in the center of town. In other business, Neal Venture's Dakin Homestead Properties, is adding another 584 homes to the Parrish community. There are currently already proposed projects that total more than 5,000 homes within a few square miles of each other in that part of Parrish.   

1. Work session regarding stormwater to start at 8:30 am prior to the public hearing items.

Changes to Agenda

Items #8, #9, and #10 were pulled for discussion and vote.

13. Changes to Agenda

Attachment: 140911 PC Update Memo.pdf

Minutes for Approval

2. August 14, 2014 Minutes for Approval -- Recommended for Approval, 6-0,  Lukowiak absent



Items #8, #9, and #10, pulled from agenda for discussion and vote. Remainder of items -- Recommended for Approval, 6-0, Lukowiak absent

Building and Development Services Department

3. PDMU-99-02(P)(R) - River Club Park of Commerce, Phases 1,3, and 6-15 - Quasi-Judicial - Stephanie Moreland - TO BE CONTINUED TO NO DATE SET AND TO BE READVERTISED -- Continued, no date set -- to be advertised

4. Repeal and Termination of South County Community Redevelopment Plan * Sikora

Attachment: South County letter.pdf

Attachment: Letter signed for item#4.pdf 

5. Repeal and Termination of 14th Street West Commuinity Redevelopment Plan * Sikora

Attachment: 14th Street Letter.pdf

Attachment: letter signer for item#5.pdf  

6. PA-14-04-Ordinance 14-34-DTS20140263-Bayshore Blackrock-Legislative * Schenk

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Bayshore Blackrock PA - PA-14-04 - Bradenton Herald - 9-11-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Bayshore Blackrock PA - PA-14-04 - Sarasota Herald Tribune - 9-11-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Staff Report - PA-14-04 Ord. 14-34 Bayshore Blackrock 9-11-14 pc.pdf  

7. Z-14-03-Bayshore Blackrock Rezone-Quasi-Judicial-Shelley Hamilton * Schenk

Attachment: Maps-Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial- Bayshore Blackrock Rezone Z-14-03-9-11-14pc.pdf

Attachment: Staff Report Bayshore Blackrock Rezone Z-14-03 9-11-14 pc.pdf

Attachment: Zoning Disclosure Affidavit-Bayshore Blackrock Rezone Z-14-03 9-11-14 pc.pdf

Attachment: Traffic Impact Statement - Bayshore Blackrock Rezone - Z-14-03 - 9-11-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Bayshore Blackrock Development - Z-14-03 - Bradenton Herald - 9-11-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Bayshore Blackrock Development - Z-14-03 - Sarasota Herald Tribune - 9-11-2014 BC.pdf 

8. PDMU-92-01(G)(R15) Schroeder-Manatee Ranch, Inc. -University Lakes DRI 22 DTS 20140285-B 326-Quasi-Judicial-Shelley Hamilton * Schenk

Attachment: Staff Report University Lakes PDMU-92-01(Z)(G)(R15) 9-11-14 PC.pdf

Attachment: Ordinanace University Lakes PDMU-92-01(G)(R15) 9-11-14pc.pdf

Attachment: Site Plan University Lakes-PDMU-92-01(G)(R15)9-11-14 pc.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - University Lakes - PDMU-92-01(G)(R15) - Bradenton Herald - 9-11-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - University Lakes - PDMU-92-01(G)(R15) - Sarasota Herald Tribune - 9-11-2014 BC.pdf

Attachment: Maps Future Land Use-Zonning-Aerial-PDMU9201_UnivLakes 9-11-14pc_FLU.pdf

Attachment: Additional Public Comments for University Lakes 9-11-14pc.pdf

Attachment: Update of Site Plan University Lakes-PDMU-99-01(G)(R15) 9-11-14pc.pdf -- Those who spoke in opposition to project had serious concerns to the possibility of a 10 story building being built. 

The applicant stated that only a seven story building was being proposed, but that the property had already been approved, under a Mixed Use zoning, and that would allow them to build up to 10 stories. -- Recommended for approval -- 3 - 3,  Lukowiak absent.  When there is a tie in the vote, the request is denied, or not recommended.  (More on Story)

9. PDR-08-03(P)-Dakin Homestead Property-Quasi-Judicial-Rossina Leider * Schenk

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Dakin Homestead Property - PDR-08-03(P) - Bradenton Herald - 9-11-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising -Dakin Homestead Property - PDR-08-03(P) - Sarasota Herald Tribune - 9-11-2014 BC.pdf

Attachment: Maps FLU-zonning-aerial-Dakin Homestead Property 9-11-14pc.pdf

Attachment: Preliminary Site Plan-Dakin Homestead Property 9-11-14pc.pdf

Attachment: Specific Approval letter-Dakin Homestead Property 9-11-14pc.pdf

Attachment: Staff Report PDR-08-03(P)-Dakin Homerstead Property 9-11-14pc.pdf

Attachment: Traffic Impact Analysis Approval - Dakin Homestead Property - PDR-08-03(P) - 9-11-2014 PC.pdf -- The increase in density by additional units (from 448 to 584) and the infrastructure related expense created concerns by commissioners, but the applicant's attorney convinced members they would be resolved prior to the BOCC meeting -- Recommended for approval, 6-0, Lukowiak absent 

10. PDMU-14-21(P)-DTS20140054-Parkcrest Landings-Quasi-Judicial - Stephanie Moreland * Schenk

Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - PDMU-14-21(P) - Landings at Parkview - 20140054.pdf

Attachment: Staff Report PDMU 14-21(P)-Parkcrest Landings 9-11-14pc.pdf

Attachment: Request of Specific Approval PDMU-14-21(P)-Parkcrest Landings 9-11-14pc.pdf

Attachment: Traffic Impact Statement - Parkcrest Landings - PDMU-14-21(P) - 9-11-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Parkcrest Landings - PDMU-14-21(P) - Bradenton Herald - 9-11-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - Parkcrest Landings - PDMU-14-21(P) - Sarasota Herald Tribune - 9-11-2014 BC.pdf

Attachment: Preliminary Site Plan-PDMU-14-21(P)-Parkcrest Landings 9-11-14pc.pdf

Attachment: Updated maps & staff report 9-11-14pc.pdf -- Concerns were, an increase from 372 units to 400 --  Recommended for approval,  Lukowiak absent

11. Ordinance 14-16 - River Club DRI18 - Quasi-Judicial - Stephanie Moreland * Schenk

Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - River Club Park of Commerce DRI Ord. 14-16 - 9-11-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Staff Report - River Club Park of Commerce DRI - Ordinance 14-16 - 9-11-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Ordinance 14-16 - River Club Park of Commerce DRI - 9-11-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - River Club DRI - Ordinance 14-16 - Bradenton Herald - 9-11-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - River Club DRI - Ordinance 14-16 - Sarasota Herald Tribune - 9-11-2014 BC.pdf -- Continued to October 9, or a later advertised date.

12. PDMU-99-02(G)(R6) - River Club Park of Commerce - Quasi-Judicial - Stephanie Moreland * Schenk

Attachment: Staff Report - River Club Park of Commerce PDMU-99-02(G)(R6) - 9-11-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Ordinance River Club Park of Commerce - PDMR-99-02(G)(R6) - 9-11-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Exhibt B - Map F - River Club Park of Commerce - PDMU-99-02(G)(R6) - 9-11-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Exhibit Y - River Club Park of Commerce - PDMU-99-02(G)(R6) - 9-11-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Exhibit X - River Club Park of Commerce - PDMU-99-02(G)(R6) - 9-11-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - River Club Park Commerce - PDMU-99-02(G)(R6) - Bradenton Herald - 9-11-2014 PC.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising - River Club - PDMU-99-02(G)(R6) - Sarasota Herald Tribune - 9-11-2014 BC.pdf

Attachment: Maps - Future Land Use, Zoning and Aerial - River Club Park of Commerce - PDMU-99-02(G)(R6) - 9-11-2014 PC.pdf -- Continued to October 9, or a later advertised date.


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