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Manatee Port Authority Agenda Results: 12/19/2013


PALMETTO -- At Thursday's Port Authority meeting, members were entertained with a presentation by Franc Pigna on how to best prosper through the unique operations of a deepwater port. In other business, members elected to keep the same Port Authority Officers for the upcoming year, and the board voted to contract Atkins North America. Inc. Professional Engineering Services to evaluate the structural capacity of the berths. For the amount of $381,545, the firm will perform a study on each berth.


•Employee Recognition – Buddy Neal


•Presentation – Franc Pigna, Aegir Port Property Advisers -- Founder and Managing Director of Aegir, demonstrated to board members how the Port's property and the management of it could be the port's greatest asset. (Full Story)


•Consent Agenda -- Approved, Unanimous


•Election of Port Authority Officers -- Approved Unanimous


•Notice of January 16, 2014 Meeting Time Change -- Approved, Unanimous


•Berth Rehabilitation & Reconstruction Engineering Fees -- Approved, Unanimous


•Berth 12 Wharf Extension and Container Terminal Project - Change Order No. 013 -- Deferred until later date


•Alpico International Office Lease -- Approved, Unanimous


Public Comments -- None



Commissioner Comments -- (All of the comments were related to the Franc Pigna presentation.)


-- Chairwoman, Whitmore, said, "Port of Tampa signed an agreement with the two ports north of them.  I read that in the Tampa Bay Business Journal; but not with us. We weren't asked."


Board Member Chappie commented about Port of Tampa declining to join in with "Gulf Advantage Group" on regional port issues.


A Motion was made to revisit the invite to Port of Tampa with a memo. --  Approved, Unanimous


-- Board member DiSabatino said, "That was a great presentation. The population is growing, and more people are moving here for the different quality of life we have."