PALMETTO -- At the Manatee Port Authority meeting Thursday, members approved additional funding for the Intermodal Container and Cargo Transfer Yard and additional funding for a cold storage warehouse. The additional funding for both projects is coming from the Florida Department of Transportation Supplemental Joint Participation Agreement program.
1. Employee Recognition – A. Fred Chubb – 25 years
B. Certified Port Executive ™ Graduates
2. Presentation – Dave Sanford – Port Manatee Harbor Deepening Study -- Army Corp of Engineers are in their 4th step of the 21-step process to study the deepening and widening of the channel leading to the port.
3. Presentation – Albert J. Redlhammer – Seariders Brokerage Corp Seariders International Inc.-- Redlhammer examined the benefits to outsourcing freight transport and forwarding. Redlhammer also emphasized the importance of additional insurance.
4. Consent Agenda -- Item 4-E was pulled -- Approved, Unanimous
A. Warrant List -- (Pulled from agenda)
B. Minutes for Approval:
C. Budget Resolution
D. Changes to Port Manatee Tariff No. 3
E. Fourth Port Manatee Land Lease Extension and Modification Agreement -- (pulled)
5. Supplemental Joint Participation Agreement Number Three for a Cold Storage Warehouse -- Approved, Unanimous
6. Supplemental Joint Participation Agreement Number One for Port Intermodal Container and Cargo Transfer Yard Project – Phases II thru V -- Approved, Unanimous
7. Memorandum of Agreement for Land Use Controls -- Item pulled from agenda
Public Comments -- Citizen Glen Gibellina suggested the port pursue further efforts to become as green as possible. Gibillina brought attention to all of the rooftop and the solar energy it could be generating.
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