PALMETTO – At Thursday's Port Authority meeting, commissioners viewed a Air Products presentation. Sandy McLauchlin, Air Product's General Manager, walked Commissioners through the company's history, market place and intent as they become the Port's newest neighbor and customer. In other business, commissioners approve another change order to correct an over-evaluated project cost.
Invocation – Tim Huppert, Anchor House Pledge of Allegiance
Public Comments (Non-Agenda Items Only)
Public Comments --
Commissioner Comments --
1. CONSENT AGENDA -- Approved, Unanimous (A---E)
A. Warrant List
B. Minutes for Approval: March 1, and March 21, 2013
C. Budget Resolution
D. The Hillsborough County Procurement Card Program Linking Authorization Contract RFP No. S-001-09(JSW
E. Contract for "Purchasing Card (PCard) Services" amendment to Chapter 7, Section 7-25
2. Presentation by Air Products -- Air Products is number 265 on the "Fortune 500" list, operations in 50 different countries, has $10 billion in annual sales, and is now building its newest facility across U.S. 41 from the Port. Air Products is the world's largest Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) heat exchange providers. (More on Story)
3. Resolution Supporting Port Long-Term Objectives -- Approved, Unanimous
4. Consulting Services Agreement for Federal Dredging Projects -- Approved, Unanimous
5. State Homeland Security Grant Program Purchase -- Approved, Unanimous
6. Berth 12 Wharf Extension and Container Terminal Project – Change Order No. 009 -- Vote combines all three items in change order request. -- Approved, 6 -- 1, DiSabatino dissent. DiSabatino said that there is a likelihood the item will come back at greater cost, and that she had a gut feeling to not go along with the recommendation.
7. Local Preference Purchasing Policy -- Approved, Unanimous
Commissioner comments were directed to Port Staff, Steve Tyndal and Robert Armstrong for the years of work that went to seal the deal with Air Products. A second salute went to Tyndal for the exceptional job he and staff did on the new Port Manatee Directory. Kudos as well goes to Manatee County Economic Development Program Director, Karen Stewart.
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