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Manatee Port Authority Agenda Results: 8/15/2013


PALMETTO -- At Thursday's meeting, commissioners voted to approve a $4,109.23 change order for the Berth 12 Wharf Extension project and approved $20,693.91 for additional geotechnical services for the Berth 12 Extension container terminal. In other business, George Isiminger presented an update on the restoration success on Manbirtee Key. 


Invocation –  Tim Huppert, Anchor House 

Pledge of Allegiance 

 -- Votes reflect: Commissioner Bustle absent from meeting

Public Comments (Non-Agenda Items Only)

  • 1 - CONSENT -- Approved, 6 - 0
  • 2 - Port Manatee Warehouse Lease Amendment #5 – Arrow Terminals -- Continued to next month's meeting
  • 3 - Berth 12 Wharf Extension and Container Terminal Project – Change Order No. 011 -- Approved, 6 - 0
  • 4 - Berth 12 Wharf Extension and Container Terminal Geotechnical Services-Addendum No. 3 -- Approved, 6 - 0
  • 5 - B & N Welding & Fabrication, Inc., Assumption Agreement -- Approved, 6 - 0
  • 6 - Fiscal Year 2013-2014 Operating Budget Resolution -- Approved, 6 - 0
  • 7 . Dredging Presentation – Dave Sanford -- Presentation only
  • 8 - Manbirtee Key Presentation – George Isiminger -- Presentation only (Full story to follow)

1. CONSENT AGENDA -- Approved, 6 - 0

A. Warrant List

B. Minutes for Approval: June 4, and June 20, 2013

C. Budget Resolution

D. Insurance and Risk Management Consulting Services Agreement Addendum 2

E. Port Insurance Renewals 2013-2014

F. Letter of Understanding from Shinn & Company LLC

G. Annual Uncollectible Accounts

H. CH2M Hill PSA 13-13