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Manatee Port Authority Agenda Results: May 15, 2014


PALMETTO – At Thursday's Port Authority meeting, members approved Phase II of a fiber optic network for the port's Mass Notification Network, approved a Joint Participation Agreement with FDOT and viewed a presentation by Marine Towing of Tampa.


Invocation – Tim Huppert, Anchor House 

Pledge of Allegiance

Public Comments 

  • Presentation to Bill Jurena, Air Products
  • Employee Recognition – Linda Adams - Retiring
  • Presentation – Norman Atkins, Marine Towing of Tampa, LLC (full story) 
  • Consent Agenda -- Approved, 6 - 0,  Baugh absent
  • Joint Participation Agreement – Master Plan Update -- Approved, 6 - 0,  Baugh absent 
  • Mass Notification Phase Two -- Approved, 6 - 0,  Baugh absent