BRADENTON – At Monday's meeting, the school board approved the first reading of a list of procedures that will move to improve internet safety for students. In other business, an update was given on the search for a permanent superintendent, and Board Chair Karen Carpenter spoke about the board moving to find ways to improve future audit processes. Interim Superintendent Dr. David Gayler was absent due to illness; the acting superintendent for the evening was Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning, Bob Gagnon.
1. Agenda Amendments - p.7
ATTENDANCE (5:45 p.m.)
2. Attendance - p.8
CALL TO ORDER (5:45 p.m.)
3. Call to Order - p.9
4. Color Guard - Palmetto High School - p.10
5. Pledge of Allegiance - p.11
6. Invocation - p.12
7. Approval of the Orders of the Day - p.13 (passed unanimously)
Attachment: Addendum for January 28, 2013.pdf
Attachment: Agenda Item - Audit Report Update.pdf
Attachment: Agenda Item - Manatee 2020.pdf
Attachment: Manatee 2020.pdf
Attachment: Visual Communications of Sarasota-Manatee.pdf
Attachment: Visual Communications Contract.pdf
Attachment: ESOL 3 OOF Jan 2013.pdf
8. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Speech Contest Winners - p.14
9. Academy Industry Certification Funding Recognitions - p.15
10. Superintendent Search - p.17 Richard Conard, M.D., Chairman of the Superintendent Search Citizens Advisory Group, updated the board on the search for a permanent superintendent. "We have pared down the list of applicants to 5," he said, adding that the the advisory group was prepared to meet with Dr. Wayne Blanton, executive director of the Florida School Board Association, on Wednesday evening, before meeting again with the board on Thursday morning.
11. Audit Report Board Chair Karen Carpenter advised that a special meeting has been set for Feb. 6 at 4pm "to focus on ways that the audit (process) can be strengthened."
12. Manatee 2020Attachment: Manatee 2020.pdf
13. Public Comments - p.18
Mr. David Cohen, first to speak during public comments, talked to the board about Common Core curriculum. "I know Mr. Gagnon is in charge of that, and I'm not criticizing anything the board or he has done; but we have $4.35 billion dollars that was allocated nationally for Common Core standards in stimulus funds. Common Core calls for replacement of local governments by federally-appointed beaureaucrats. This is already, and will continue to cause a leveling of all schools and a lower standard and redistribution of educational funds away from school districts. In my very strong opinion, it's a dumbing down and I"m very concerned." Mr. Cohen went on to say, "Under Common Core, a Federal database of all students is mandated ... I sincerely hope that the entire board will investigage Common Core." At the end of Mr. Cohen's comment, the board thanked him and suggested Mr. Gagnon meet with him privately, to which Mr. Gagnon said he would oblige.
Peggy Martin was next, and called for the interim superintendent to put a freeze on all internal promotions and staff changes until a new superintendent was put in place. "I've been notified of a number of personnel changes that are being made by some assistant superintendents that could have waited until all has been settled with the new superintendent. When you start seeing vast numbers of personnel change in the middle of hiring a CEO, or in this case a superintendent, the less qualified people start changing positions with higher salaries, someone has to ask the question, 'Why?'" Mrs. Martin added that the only aswer she could come up with is that the employees in question knew too much damaging information, and they also "know where the bodies are buried." If a person is qualified today, they would be qualified (when the) new superintendent is here. So why the rush?"
Linda Schaich was next at the dais. "I believe that the recently completed audit report confirms that the district is incapable of producing reliable financial information, or even able to use the Excel spreadsheet program and produce numbers that even I can balance," said Mrs. Schaich. "Changes for this will require drastic measures. One of our problems was co-mingling of the funds. One simple fix (for this) is to use separate bank accounts for each fund, and when they need to transfer money between funds, it should have to come before the board, so that the board is aware of when they're actually moving money between funds."
14. Approval of Minutes - p.19 (passed unanimously)
CONSENT ITEMS (7:03 p.m.)
Approval of Consent Agenda (passed unanimously)
15. Approval of January 28, 2013 Consent Agenda - p.20
Purchase(s) Bids $100,000.00 and Under
16. Approval of Bid for Fluorescent Lamps, Ballast and Lighting Supplies, MCSD No. 13-0033-MR - p.21Attachment: 130033 BL Vendor LK.pdf
Attachment: 130033 BL.pdf
Attachment: 130033 - Eval Tab.pdf17. Approval of Request for Proposal for Fresh Delivered Pizza, MCSD No. 13-0014-SM Revision (1) - p.2318. Approval of Renewal (2) on Lift Station and Grease Trap Services, MCSD No. 11-0033-MR - p.2419. Approval of Renewal (2) on Fire Alarm Inspections and Repairs, MCSD No. 11-0035-MR - p.25
Purchase(s) Bids Over $100,000.00
20. Approval of Renewal (2) on HVAC Maintenance, Repair and Replacement Services, MCSD No. 11-0039-MR - p.26Attachment: 110039r2 - Florida Document (City and State).pdf21. Approval of the Use of the State of Florida Contract for Tools: Hand Held, and Hand Held Power Tools, MCSD No. 12-0044-MR, Revision (1) - p.28Attachment: 120044 St of Fl 445-001-11-1[1].pdf
Contracts and Grants
22. Approval of Renewed Agreement Between the School Board of Manatee County and BayCare Health System, Inc. for Clinical Experience for Manatee Technical Institute for the 2012-2015 School Years - p.3023. Approval to Renew the Contract for the 2012-2013 Acceleration and Enrichment Program Manual and Articulation Agreement Between the School Board of Manatee County and the State College of Florida, Manatee-Sarasota - p.3224. Approval of Acceptance of the Florida Power and Light Photovoltaic System - p.3425. Approval to Apply, Accept and Expend Roll-Forward Funds of $6,953.00 for Carl D. Perkins Postsecondary Grant for the 2012-2013 School Year - p.35Attachment: MTI Perkins grant Post-secondary$6,953.00.pdf26. Approval to Apply, Accept and Expend Roll-Forward Funds of $14,143.00 for Carl D. Perkins Secondary Grant for the 2012-2013 School Year - p.36Attachment: Perkins Secondary $14,143.00.pdf27. Approval to Increase the Amount to Contract for Professional Services With Visual Communications of Sarasota-Manatee, Inc. DBA/ VisCom, and the School Board of Manatee County for the Remainder of the 2012-2013 School YearAttachment: Visual Communications Contract.pdf
28. Approval of Plan to Comply with Class Size for the 2013-2014 Fiscal Year - p.38Attachment: Compliance Plan Manatee 12-13.pdf
Food Service
29. Approval to Contract with the Florida Department of Health for the Purpose of Providing Supper Meals at Three School Sites and to Delegate Authority for the Supper Program to the Food Service Director - p.40Attachment: Contract.pdf
Attachment: Delegation Authority.pdf
Human Resources
30. Approval to Accept the Waiver of the Provisions of Article V, Section 34 of the Master Contract between the School Board of Manatee County and the Manatee Education Association re:the After School Tutoring Program at Moody Elementary School - p.41Attachment: Moody Elementary Waiver - After School Program 01-28-13.pdf31. Approval to Accept the Waiver of the Provisions of Article V, Section 34 of the Master Contract between the School Board of Manatee County and the Manatee Education Association (MEA) in re:the After School Program at Palmetto Elementary School - p.42Attachment: Palmetto Elementary Waiver - After School Program 01-28-13.pdf32. Approval of the Appointments, Change of Assignments, Deceased, Promotions, Reappointments, Reassignments, Recommendations for Professional Service Contracts, Resignations, Retirements, Terminations and Transfers - p.43Attachment: Board Material - 01-28-13.pdf
Attachment: Addendum for January 28, 2013.pdf33. Approval to Reimburse Cogent for the Administrative Process of the Fingerprints Submitted for the Manatee County School District for the Remainder of the 2012-2013 Fiscal Year - p.4434. Approval to Reimburse the Florida Department of Law Enforcement for Fingerprint and Retention for the Remainder of the 2012-2013 Fiscal Year - p.4535. Approval of the Report of Teachers who are Out-Of-Field in ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) - p.46Attachment: ESOL 2 OOF Jan 2013.pdf
Attachment: ESOL 3 OOF Jan 2013.pdf36. Approval of the Report of Teachers who are Out-of-Field in Their Subject Area(s) - p.47Attachment: Subj Area 2 OOF Jan 2013.pdf
37. Revision to the 2012-2013 Academic Calendar for Hurricane Make-Up Day - p.48Attachment: 2012-2013 Calendar(b) - Approved 1-23-12_Revised 1-28-13_on 4.pdf
38. Leaves for January 28, 2013 Board Meeting - p.50Attachment: Leaves 01-28-13.pdf
NEW BUSINESS (Discussion Items Pulled from Consent)
NEW BUSINESS (Non-Consent Items) (7:05 p.m.)
39. Approval of Budget Amendments for November 2012 - p.51 (passed unanimously)
Attachment: Budget Amendment Report November 2012 2.pdfMichael Boyer presented the November 2012 Budget Amendment Report for approval.
Board member David Miner asked Mr. Boyer why the budget amendment for MTI was not on the district website with the other budget amendments. Mr. Boyer advised that the MTI amendment was not part of the original budget presentation, and that the information on the amendment was given to the absent Dr. Gayler. "He would probably want to give (the information) to the board all at the same time," said Mr. Boyer. Mr. Miner replied: "Can't we just put it on the website?," to which Mr. Boyer replied, "We can; I'll talk with Dr. Gayler about how he wants to put that out there. It's no problem."
Vice Chair Julie Aranibar said, "We have accounts in deficit: sometimes it's because it's relating to taxes that are usually paid, starting in September, November ... one of the things that might be helpful is when we see accounts that are in a negative balance, that we put a notation on the amendments, so that as we're moving through this, we're all aware of where the negatives are why there are negatives, in case of a budget deficit like now, (it doesn't look like) we're trying to hide it."
At the end of the discussion, Mr. Gagnon advised that Dr. Gayler recommended approval of the budget amendments.
40. Acceptance of the Year to Date Financial Statements through November 2012 - p.52 (passed unanimously)
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