BRADENTON – At Monday’s meeting, the Manatee County School Board voted unanimously to approve the selection of two new Deputy Superintendents: Diana Greene as Deputy Superintendent for Instruction, and Don Hall as D.S. of Operations. In other business, the board heard about new proposed regulations that would attempt to encourage students to eat healthier foods in school, and voted on an increase in school meal prices.
1. Agenda Amendments - p.6
ATTENDANCE (5:45 p.m.)
2. Attendance - p.7
CALL TO ORDER (5:45 p.m.)
3. Call to Order - p.8
4. Pledge of Allegiance - p.9
5. Invocation - p.10
6. Approval of the Orders of the Day - p.11Attachment: W040813.pdf
Attachment: M040813.pdf
Attachment: Checkers.Owens.Contract.pdf
Attachment: Agenda Item - Visible Men Academy Progress.pdf
Attachment: Revised Agenda Item - Contract for Sale of Checkers-Owens Site.pdf
Attachment: Diana Greene Resume.pdf
Attachment: Don Hall Professional Vitae.pdf
Attachment: Agenda Item - Deputy Superintendent for Instruction.pdf
Attachment: Agenda Item - Deputy Superintendent of Operations.pdf
Attachment: Agenda Item - Approval of Modified SAMP 12 Month Salaracy Schedule.pdf
Attachment: 2010-20122 SAMP Salary Schedule.pdf
Attachment: D18 Salary Schedule.pdf
RECOGNITIONS (5:48 p.m.)
7. Southern Integrated Pest Management Center Award - p.12 Todd Henson recognized District Grounds Manager Dan Lisenko for his “success in implementing has managed to get an 80 percent reduction in pesticide use (for the district)," and presented him with the 2013 IPM Evaluator Award...Henson thanked the District for the award.
8. Proposed Competitive Foods Regulation - p.13Attachment: BOE Comp Foods PPT.pdfMrs. Sandra Ford, Director of Nutrition, presented the board with proposed regulations for Competitive Foods. She advised that based on the proposed regulations, which promote healthier diets among students, Nutrition Services would have a potential annual revenue loss of $1 million.Board member David Miner asked if the regulations prevent (the District) from Friday night football binges, to which Ford confirmed that the regulations do not impact concession stand sales.
9. Update on Visible Men Academy Progress
Dr. Verdya Bradley, Associate Director of Innovative Programs and Parental Options for the District, gave an update on the VIsible Men Academy which was approved to open in September of 2012. She said that the school is still in the process of recruiting students and seeking portable classrooms and is on track for an August 2013 opening.
10. Contract for Sale for the Checkers-Owen’s Annex Property to Gold Glove Ventures, LLC - p.42Attachment: Checkers.Owens.Contract.pdfPresenters of the contract gave the board a briefing on the agreement for the Checkers-Owens’ Annex Property, a 1.4 acre property that includes buildings, owned by the District and who is looking to sell the property.
The contract presented to the board had Gold Glove Ventures, LLC, as the property’s prospective purchaser. Many board members raised questions about the prospective purchaser, whom they had little information on, and raised other concerns as well, such as whether the property would just be “flipped”.However, the board was not voting on the contract yet, and they agreed that they would have all of their questions to the presenters by Wednesday. Bob Gause said that one of his issues with the contract is the fact that the property up for sale was not at all that well-known in the area. He said, “I think if we need the money this year, we’ll sell it this year...but if not, we should (wait and see what else we could get for the property).”
11. Public Comments - p.14
Students and parents from Bradenton Charter School gave impassioned pleas to the board to not close their school, giving high amounts of praise for what they said was the school’s learning environment and the absence of bullying at the school.
Wyleen Graham brought up an issue she had with Visible Men Academy; namely, that it is apparently only for young males of lower income. “Middle class and upper class boys need father figures too,” she said.
12. Approval of Minutes - p.15Attachment: W040813.pdf
Attachment: M040813.pdf
CONSENT ITEMS (6:15 p.m.) (passed unanimously, with items 18 and 19 removed from agenda for discussion)
Approval of Consent Agenda
13. Approval of Consent Agenda of April 22, 2013 - p.16
Purchase(s) Bids $100,000.00 and Under
14. Approval of Bid for Gymnasium Floor Refinishing, Repair and Replacement, MCSD No. 13-0042-MR - p.17Attachment: 130042tt.pdf
Attachment: 130042 Vendor LK.pdf
Attachment: 130042 BL.pdf15. Approval of Renewal (1) on Boiler Repair, MCSD No.12-0068-MR - p.1916. Approval of Renewal (1) on Custodial Equipment and Parts, MCSD No. 12-0076-MR - p.2017. Approval of Renewal (1) on Fire Sprinkler-Inspection and Repair, MCSD No. 10-0057-MR - p.2118. Approval of Renewal (2) on Electrical Services, MCSD No. 11-0054-MR - p.22 (withdrawn from agenda entirely with unanimous support from board)19. Approval of Renewal (2) on Plumbing Services, MCSD No. 11-0056-MR - p.23 (withdrawn from agenda entirely with unanimous support from board)
Purchase(s) Bids Over $100,000.00
Items 18 and 19 were severed from the Consent Agenda so that they could be discussed. Board member Julie Aranibar said that she had an issue with the fact that the district does not have a local preference policy in place when it comes to hiring companies for specific services. Board member Robert Gause agreed with the idea of a local preference policy and asked if the board wishes to have the respective items withdrawn so that perhaps more deals could be reached with local companies on the services. In the end, the board did vote unanimously to remove the items from the agenda.
20. Approval of Renewal (1) on Food Service Sanitation System, MCSD No. 10-0050-RT - p.24
21. Approval of Renewal (1) on Food Supply and Distribution Services, MCSD No. 10-0051-RT - p.25
Contracts and Grants
22. Approval of New Agreement Between the School Board of Manatee County and Bux Healthcare Inc. dba Family Pharmacy for Clinical Experience for Manatee Technical Institute (MTI) Pharmacy Technician Students for the 2013-2016 School Years - p.2623. Approval of New Agreements Between the School Board of Manatee County and Various Providers for Clinical Experience for Manatee Technical Institute (MTI) Medical Assisting Students for the 2013-2016 School Years - p.2824. Approval of New Agreements Between the School Board of Manatee County and Various Providers for Clinical Experience for Manatee Technical Institute (MTI) Optometric Assisting Students for the 2013-2016 School Years - p.3025. Approval of New Agreements Between the School Board of Manatee County and Various Providers for Clinical Experience for Manatee Technical Institute (MTI) Orthopedic Technician Students for the 2013-2016 School Years - p.3226. Approval to Renew the Contract Between the State of Florida, Department of Health and the School Board of Manatee County for the 2012-2013 School Year - p.34Attachment: Department of Health contract 12-13.pdf27. Approval to Renew the Agreement for Medicaid Data Management Partnership Between the School Board of Manatee County and the School Board of Seminole County for the Contract Period of July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014 - p.36Attachment: SBSC Contract 13-14.pdf28. Approval to Accept and Expend Roll Forward and Supplemental Allocation Funds for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Part B Grant for the 2012–2013 School Year - p.37Attachment: Roll Forward 2013.pdf29. Approval to Apply, Accept and Expend the New 2013-2014 Farmworker Jobs and Education Program Grant for $286,868.00 - p.3830. Approval to Apply for and Expend the Public Charter School Grant Program Planning, Design, and Implementation (2013-2016) for Visible Men Academy - p.39Attachment: GRANT PROPOSAL - VISIBLE MEN ACADEMY 13-16.pdf31. Approval to Submit the Manatee District Schools Developed Inspiring Elementary Engineering (IE2) Course for Consideration to the Florida Department of Education for Inclusion in the Course Code Directory - p.40Attachment: Course Code Directory IE2.pdf
32. Approval of Request to Declare Surplus and Donate Computers to Manatee Technical Institute (MTI) Foundation for Redistribution to Needy Students and Families - p.43Attachment: 3-28-13 List for 4-22-13 Agenda.pdf
Human Resources
34. Approval of the Appointments, Change of Assignments, Deceased, Promotions, Reappointments, Reassignments, Recommendations for Professional Service Contracts, Resignations, Retirements, Terminations and Transfers - p.48Attachment: Board Material - 04-22-13.pdf
35. Leaves for April 22, 2013 Board Meeting - p.49Attachment: Leaves 04-22-13.pdf
NEW BUSINESS (Discussion Items Pulled from Consent)
NEW BUSINESS (Non-Consent Items)
36. Approval of Modified SAMP 12 Month Salary ScheduleAttachment: SAMP 12 Month Schedule D18.pdf
Attachment: 2011- 2012 SAMP Salary Schedule.pdf
37. Approval of Dr. Diana Greene as Deputy Superintendent for Instruction (passed unanimously)Attachment: Diana Greene Resume.pdf
38. Approval of Mr. Don Hall as Deputy Superintendent of Operations (passed unanimously)Attachment: Don Hall Professional Vitae.pdf
39. Approval of Meal Price Increases for the 2013-14 School Year - p.45 (passed unanimously)
Sandra Ford argued for the increase in part because of the current meal prices in the District in went over in comparison to surrounding counties. “We’re lower than Hillsborough, Pinellas, and Sarasota,” she said.
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