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Manatee School Board Agenda Results: August 12, 2014


BRADENTON – At Tuesday's meeting, the Manatee School Board approved the creation of a new job description and position for a Director of Safety and Security for the district. In other business, the board approved a performance pay plan for principals and assistant principals; and also approved advertising a notice of intent to amend district policy concerning student enrollment and educational decisons, partially with regards to rights of biological and adoptive parents.

CALL TO ORDER (5:45 p.m.)

1. Call To Order
2. Invocation
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Approval of the Orders of the Day (Passed unanimously)
Attachment: 080714 Agenda Item Update - Gulash.pdf
Attachment: 080714 Agenda Item - End of Year Budget Close Update.pdf
Attachment: S072414.pdf
Attachment: Board Material - rev. 8-12-14.pdf
Attachment: S073114.pdf
Attachment: Addendum 08-12-14.pdf
Attachment: S072414 - Revised.pdf
Attachment: RPH072214.pdf

AGENDA AMENDMENTS (Info Only) (5:48 p.m.)

5. Agenda Amendments


6. Opening Remarks by Julie B. Aranibar


7. Opening Remarks by Rick W. Mills


8. Legal Department Update
9. Internal Audit Update
Attachment: Progress Report 8-12-14.pdf

Read more here: http://www.bradenton.com/2014/08/13/5300765/manatee-county-school-district.html?sp=/99/100/&ihp=1#storylink=cpy

During the internal audit update, it was advised that documents pertaining to unauthorized spending found from 2009 would be given to law enforcement. 

10. Instructional Services Update
Attachment: Instructional Materials Update - August 2014.pdf

11. End of Year Budget Close Update


12. Public Comments

APPROVAL OF MINUTES (6:45 p.m.) (Passed unanimously)

13. Approval of Minutes
Attachment: w062314.pdf
Attachment: w072214.pdf
Attachment: S073114.pdf
Attachment: S072414 - Revised.pdf
Attachment: RPH072214.pdf

CONSENT ITEMS (6:50 p.m.)

Approval of Consent Agenda (Passed unanimously, with board member Bob Gause recusing himself from voting on item 27. Board member Dave Miner asked to have items 28 & 29 pulled from consent, saying he had discussion for each item. Motion passed 4-1 with Harvey dissenting. Vote was then recalled after Harvey commented on her dissent; re-made motion failed 2-3 with Barbara Harvey, Karen Carpenter and Julie Aranibar dissenting.)

14. Approval of Consent Agenda for August 12, 2014 (Items #14-29)
Purchase(s) Bids $100,000.00 and Under

15. Approval of Bid on Emergency Generators-Annual Inspection and Preventative Maintenance, MCSD No. 15-0012-MR, Not to Exceed $75,000.00
Attachment: 150012t.pdf
Attachment: 150012 BL.pdf
Attachment: 150012 Vendor LK.pdf

16. Approval of Bid on Fertilizer-Grounds Maintenance, MCSD No. 15-0007-MR, Not to Exceed $90,000.00
Attachment: 150007t.pdf
Attachment: 150007 - Evaluation Report.pdf
Attachment: 150007BL.pdf
Attachment: 150007 Vendor Lk.pdf

17. Approval of Bid on Pesticides-Grounds Maintenance, MCSD No. 15-0008-MR, Not to Exceed $90,000.00
Attachment: 150008t.pdf
Attachment: 150008 - Evaluation Report.pdf
Attachment: 150008 BL.pdf
Attachment: 150008 Vendor Lk.pdf

18. Approval of Renewal (2) on Bleacher, Park and Playground Equipment, MCSD No. 11-0014-MR, Not to Exceed $50,000.00
Attachment: 110014tr2.pdf
Attachment: 110014r2 FL Doc No.pdf

19. Approval to Purchase Eduphoria - Student Assessment Software, MCSD No. 15-0029-SM, Not to Exceed $52,755.00
Attachment: Contract 7.28.14.pdf

20. Approval of Renewal (1) of the Use of the Hillsborough County Proposal for ePayables PCard Program, MCSD No. 10-0055-RH, Positive Financial Impact
Purchase(s) Bids Over $100,000.00

21. Approval to Purchase i-Ready Software, Professional Development and Technical Support for all Elementary Schools, Not to Exceed $533,260.00
Attachment: i-Ready Quote Attachment (2) 08-12-14.pdf

Contracts and Grants

22. Approval to Renew the Contract Between the School Board of Manatee County and the City of Palmetto School Resource Officers for the 2014-2015 School Year
Attachment: 2014-15 SRO contract-City of Palmetto.pdf

23. Approval to Apply, Accept and Expend a No-Cost Extension and an Allocation Increase of $7,667.00 for the 2013-2014 Farmworker Jobs and Education Program Grant
Attachment: Farmworkers Amendment 3.pdf

24. Approval to Apply, Accept and Expend the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B and Preschool Entitlement Grant Application for the Fiscal Year 2014 – 2015 Through the End of the Grant Period June 30, 2015
Attachment: IDEA Grant 08-12-14.pdf

25. Approval of Renewal of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Sun Coast, Inc. and the School Board of Manatee County for the 2014-2015 School Year
Attachment: MOU Big Brothers.pdf

Capital Projects

26. Approval of Quitclaim Deed for the Parrish School to Manatee County
Attachment: 08.12.14 Parrish School Quitclaim Deed.pdf


27. Approval of Request to Declare Surplus and Sell Portables 990, 300, 274, and 113 to Black Rock Development Holdings

Attachment: Request Letter Black Rock Development Holdings.pdf
Attachment: Purchase & Sale Agreement Portables to Black Rock Development Holdings.pdf

Human Resources

28. Approval of the Appointments, Change of Assignments, Deceased, Promotions, Reappointments, Reassignments, Resignations, Retirements, Terminations and Transfers

Attachment: Board Material 08-12-14.pdf
Attachment: Board Material - rev. 8-12-14.pdf
Attachment: Addendum 08-12-14.pdf

29. Approval of a Suspension of Ten Days without Pay for Stephen Gulash Effective August 13, 2014 as per the Administrative Complaint of July 9, 2014

Attachment: Gulash - Administrative Complaint, 070914.pdf

30. Approval of New Job Description and Position for Director of Safety and Security (Passed 3-2, with Miner and Gause dissenting)

Attachment: Director Safety Security new job description.pdf



31. Leaves for August 12, 2014 Board Meeting
Attachment: Leaves for 08-12-14.pdf

NEW BUSINESS (Discussion Items Pulled from Consent) (6:55 p.m.)
NEW BUSINESS (Non-Consent Items)

32. Approval of the Manatee County Public Schools Principal and Assistant Principal Salary Performance Pay Plan Effective July 1, 2014 (Passed unanimously)
Attachment: Principal Salary & Demographic Information .pdf
Attachment: Assistant Principal Salary & Demographic Information .pdf
Attachment: Manatee County Public Schools.pdf

33. Approval of Advertising a Notice of Intent to Amend Policy 5.7.1, Student Enrollment and Educational Decisions and Setting a Public Hearing on the Proposed Amendment at the Board Meeting of September 9, 2014 (Miner made a motion to approve item with requested changes to policy. Motion seconded by Gause; passed unanimously) 

Attachment: Policy 5.7.1 - Revised, 072709.pdf

34. Approval of Advertising a Notice of Intent to Amend Policy 6.4, Risk Management and Insurance, and Setting a Public Hearing on the Proposed Amendment at the Board Meeting Scheduled September 9, 2014 (Motion made to table item until next board meeting; passed unanimously)
Attachment: 6.4 RISK POLICY REVISED 08052014.pdf

35. Approval of Resolution to Enter into a Section 1011.13, Florida Statutes Loan (Passed unanimously)
Attachment: 081214 Resolution to Enter into a Section 1011.13.pdf
Attachment: 081214 Ex A - Form of Note.pdf
Attachment: 081214 Ex B- Disclosure Letter and TIB.pdf


36. School Board Workshop Items

BOARD COMMENTS (7:30 p.m.)

37. Board Comments

ADJOURNMENT (7:55 p.m.)

Adjournment of Meeting

38. Adjournment