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Manatee School Board Agenda Results: January 28, 2014


BRADENTON - At Tuesday's regular meeting, the Manatee School Board was presented with data collected from the results of a recent community survey on planning and budgeting priorities for the district. In other business, the board approved budget amendments and year to date financial statements for November 2013.

CALL TO ORDER (5:45 p.m.)

1. Call to Order
2. Invocation
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Approval of the Orders of the Day (Passed unanimously)
Attachment: T012214.pdf
Attachment: FY 13-14 - Forecast - Board Operations Update 01-28-2014.pdf
Attachment: FY 13-14 Forecast - January - Detail.pdf
Attachment: Community Survey 2.v2 2.pdf
Attachment: ESOL 3 January 28, 2014.pdf
Attachment: FY 13-14 - Forecast - Board Operations Update 01-28-2014 v2 REVISED 01-24-14.pdf
Attachment: Budget Amendment Report November modified 1.24.14 v2 2.pdf


5. Agenda Amendments


6. Opening Remarks by Julie B. Aranibar


7. Opening Remarks by Rick W. Mills


8. Legal Department Report
9. Internal Audit Report
10. Instructional Services Report
11. Citizens Budget Advisory Committee Board Presentation
Attachment: Community Survey 2.v2 2.pdf


12. Public Comments

APPROVAL OF MINUTES (6:50 p.m.) (Passed unanimously)

13. Approval of Minutes
Attachment: W01-14-14.pdf
Attachment: R011414.pdf
Attachment: T012214.pdf

CONSENT ITEMS (6:53 p.m.) (Passed unanimously; item 22 severed from consent agenda)

Approval of Consent Agenda

14. Approval of Consent Agenda of January 28, 2014
Purchase(s) Bids $100,000.00 and Under

15. Approval of Rejection of Proposal on Senior Leadership Development, MCSD No. 14-0031-MR, No Financial Impact
Purchase(s) Bids Over $100,000.00

16. Approval of Renewal (2) on the Use of the State of Florida Contract for Construction, Industrial, Agricultural and Lawn Equipment, MCSD No. 11-0010-MR, Not to Exceed $200,000.00
Attachment: 110010 Florida Document (City and State) R2.pdf

Contracts and Grants

17. Approval of the Contract Between the School Board of Manatee County and Educational Development Associates Inc., DBA ACALETICS in the amount of $81,455.00 for the 2013 - 2014 School Year
18. Approval to Increase the Amount to Contract for Professional Services with Visual Communications of Sarasota Manatee, Inc. dba VisCom, and the School Board of Manatee County for the Remainder of the 2013-2014 School Year, not to exceed $50,000.00
Attachment: Contract.pdf

19. Approval of the New Agreement for Clinical Education of Students in the Veterinary Assistant Program at Braden River High School
Capital Projects

20.Approval of Manatee Technical Institute - Automotive Classroom Addition - Agreement Between Owner and HCBeck, Ltd. - Preconstruction Services in the Amount of $2,296.00
Attachment: MTI SR 70 - Automotive Addn Summary Sheet.pdf
Attachment: MTI Automotive Addn CM Contract.pdf

21.Approval of Manatee Technical Institute - Automotive Classroom Addition - Agreement Between Owner and HCBeck, Ltd. - Preconstruction Services in the Amount of $2,296.00
Attachment: MTI SR 70 - Automotive Addn Summary Sheet.pdf
Attachment: MTI Automotive Addn CM Contract.pdf

22. Approval of Manatee Technical Institute - Automotive Classroom Addition - Agreement Between Owner and Fawley Bryant Architects, Inc. in the Amount of $72,000.00
(Passed 3 to 1, with David Miner dissenting and Robert Gause recusing himself due to potential conflict of interest)
Attachment: MTI SR 70 - Automotive Addn Summary Sheet.pdf
Attachment: MTI Automotive Addn AE Contract.pdf

23.Approval of Educational Plant Supplemental Survey - Manatee Technical Institute 34th Street Campus
Attachment: 01.28.14 Ed Plant Supplemental Survey 4.5 MTI 34th St.pdf

24.Approval of Johnson Middle School - Chilled Water Piping Replacement - Agreement between Owner and Gilbane Building Company - Preconstruction Services in the amount of $12,300.00
Attachment: JMS Chilled Water Piping Replacement Summary Sheet.pdf
Attachment: JMS Chilled Water Piping Replacement CM Contract.pdf

Human Resources

26. Approval of the Appointments, Change of Assignments, Deceased, Promotions, Reappointments, Reassignments, Resignations, Retirements, Terminations and Transfers
Attachment: Resume - Jeannine Mills.pdf
Attachment: Resume - Yolaika Rosario.pdf
Attachment: Resume - Pamela Craig.pdf
Attachment: Board Material - 01-28-14.pdf

27. Approval of the Report of Teachers who are Out-of-Field in Their Subject Area(s)
Attachment: Subj Area 2 OOF 01-28-14.pdf

28. Approval of the Report of Teachers who are Out-Of-Field in ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages)
Attachment: ESOL 1 OOF 01-28-14.pdf
Attachment: ESOL 3 January 28, 2014.pdf



29. Leaves for January 28, 2014 Board Meeting
Attachment: Leaves 01-28-14.pdf

NEW BUSINESS (Discussion Items Pulled from Consent)
NEW BUSINESS (Non-Consent Items) (7:00 p.m.)

30. Operations Report
Attachment: FY 13-14 - Forecast - Board Operations Update 01-28-2014.pdf
Attachment: FY 13-14 Forecast - January - Detail.pdf

31. Approval of Budget Amendments for November 2013 (Passed unanimously)
Attachment: November 2013 Budget Amendments.pdf
Attachment: Budget Amendment Report November modified 1.24.14 v2 2.pdf

32. Acceptance of the Year to Date Financial Statements through November 2013 (Passed unanimously)
Attachment: November 2013.pdf

33. Approval of a Company to Revise School Board Policies (Removed from agenda prior to meeting)


34. School Board Workshop Items

BOARD COMMENTS (7:35 p.m.)

35. Board Comments

ADJOURNMENT (8:00 p.m.)

Adjournment of Meeting

36. Adjournment