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Manatee School Board Agenda Results: September 9, 2014


BRADENTON – At Tuesday's meeting, the Manatee School Board narrowly passed a proposal to approve a contract for private armed security at the district's elementary schools. In other business, the board passed a finalized budget for the 2014-15 fiscal school year and also approved a contract between the district and specialized health care consulting company Compass Professional Health Services.

CALL TO ORDER (5:45 p.m.)

1. Call To Order
2. Invocation
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Approval of the Orders of the Day (Passed 4-1, with Miner dissenting)

AGENDA AMENDMENTS (Info Only) (5:48 p.m.)

5. Agenda Amendments

RECOGNITIONS (5:50 p.m.)

6. Five Star School Award


7. Opening Remarks by Julie B. Aranibar


8. Opening Remarks by Rick W. Mills


9. Central Florida School Board Coalition
10. Legal Department Update
11. Internal Audit Update
Attachment: Progress Report 9-9-14.pdf

12. Instructional Services Update


13. Public Comments

PUBLIC HEARING (7:10 p.m.)

14. Public Hearing for Consideration of Adopting an Amendment to Policy 5.7.1, Student Enrollment and Educational Decisions

(Removed from agenda prior to meeting)

Attachment: 090314 Policy 5.7.1 attachment - 41-00015, Guardianship Affidavit FILL IN.pdf
Attachment: 090314 Policy 5.7.1 attachment - 41-00018, Statement Confirming Change in Physical Custody F.pdf
Attachment: 090314 Policy 5.7.1 attachment - 41-00019, Statement of Identity FILL IN.pdf
Attachment: 090314 Policy 5.7.1 attachment - 41-01022 Statement for Change in Enrolling Parent 042911 F.pdf
Attachment: 090314 Policy 5.7.1 attachment - parent_portal.pdf

15. Public Hearing Regarding Adoption of the Fiscal Year 2014-15 Final Annual Budget
Attachment: ESE524 (3).pdf

Motion and approval of Supplemental Operating Discretionary Millage for Fiscal Year 2014-15 of 0.7480. (Passed unanimously)

Motion and approval of Local Required Effort Millage for Fiscal Year 2014-15 of 5.1280. (Passed unanimously)

Motion and approval of Capital Outlay Millage for Fiscal Year 2014-15 of 1.5000. (Passed unanimously)

Motion and approval of Resolution Adopting the Fiscal Year 2014-15 Total Millage of 7.3760. (Passed unanimously)

Motion and approval of the Fiscal Year 2014-15 Final Budget in the amount of $627,466,458 (Passed 4-1, with Miner dissenting; during the budget presentation, Miner expressed disagreement with the creation of a security services department and has vocally opposed the proposal for private armed security at the district's elementary schools.)


16. Approval of Minutes (Passed unanimously)
Attachment: JM081314.pdf
Attachment: R082614.pdf

CONSENT ITEMS (7:45 p.m.)

Approval of Consent Agenda

Board Member Bob Gause recused himself on items 34 and 35 to avoid potential conflict of interest, and made a motion to amend consent agenda so that item 31 could be moved to a workshop; seconded by Carpenter; motion approved by board unanimously. Board Member Barbara Harvey recused herself on item 32, to avoid potential conflict of interest.)

17. Approval of September 9, 2014 Consent Agenda (Items #18 - 42)
Purchase(s) Bids $100,000.00 and Under

18. Approval of Renewal (1) on Installation and Repair of Irrigation Wells and Pumps, MCSD No. 14-0025-MR, Not to Exceed $60,000.00
Purchase(s) Bids Over $100,000.00

19. Approval of the Contract Upgrade Between the School Board of Manatee County and Achieve 3000, Inc. in the amount of $146,099.66 for the 2014 – 2017 School Years
Attachment: Achieve3000 contract upgrade- Board Work 9-9-2014.pdf

20. Approval of Renewal (2) on Tree Trimming and Removal Services, MCSD No. 13-0019-MR, Not to Exceed $150,000.00
21. Approval of Renewal (2) on the Use of The Cooperative Purchasing Network (TCPN) Proposal, MCSD No. 13-0035-MR , Not to Exceed $125,000.00
22. Approval of Renewal (1) on Security Systems-Installation, Repairs, Parts and Accessories, MCSD No. 14-0020-MR, Not to Exceed $250,000.00
Contracts and Grants

23. Approval of the Renewal Agreement Between the School Board of Manatee County and Provider The Woods of Manatee Springs, Inc. for Clinical Experience for Manatee Technical Institute (MTI) Practical Nursing Students for the 2014-2017 School Years
24. Approval to Renew the Contract for Discovery Education, Inc. for the Period of October 1, 2014 Through September 30, 2015, Not To Exceed $71,514.00
Attachment: Discovery Education for Board_Mills Signature.pdf

25. Approval of the New Agreement Between the School Board of Manatee County and a New Provider, Senior Living II, LLC d/b/a Hidden Lakes Living for Clinical Experience for Manatee Technical Institute Practical Nursing Students for the 2014-2017 School Years
26. Approval of Renewed Emergency Medical Services Articulation Agreement with State College of Florida Manatee-Sarasota, and Manatee Technical Institute and Sarasota County Technical Institute for the 2014-2015 Through the 2015-2016 School Years.
Attachment: Emergency Medical Articulation Agreement.pdf

27. Approval of Renewed Fire Science Technology Articulation Agreement with State College of Florida Manatee-Sarasota, Manatee Technical Institute, and Sarasota County Technical Institute for the 2014-2015 Through the 2015-2016 School Years
Attachment: Fire Science Articulation Agreement.pdf

28. Approval to Renew the Agreements Between the School Board of Manatee County and Various Providers/Limited Partnerships for On-The-Job Training for Exceptional Student Education Students for the School Years 2014-2017
29. Approval to Submit, Accept and Expend the Title 1 School Improvement Initiative 1003 (a), 410-2265B-5CS01 in the Amount of $455,371.00 From September 1, 2014 Through August 31, 2015
Attachment: School Improvement Initiative 9-9-14.pdf

30. Approval to Apply, Accept and Expend the Title 1, Part D, Subpart II: Local Programs for Neglected and Delinquent Grant Application in the Amount of $353,674.00 for the 2014-15 School Year
Attachment: Title I, Part D 2014-15 Grant.pdf
Attachment: Title I, Part D 2014-15 Grant Budget.pdf

31. Approval of the Agreement Between the School Board of Manatee County and Tebo & Associates for Sponsorships Within the School District
Attachment: Tebo & Associates Marketing Agreement.pdf
Attachment: Manatee County Public Schools Projections.pdf
Attachment: Tebo & Assoc Brings Proven Experience.pdf

Capital Projects

32. Approval of Quitclaim Deed for the Rubonia Community Center Property to Manatee County
Attachment: 09.09.14 Rubonia Community Center Property Quitclaim Deed.pdf

33. Approval of Kinnan Elementary Transfer of Access Drive Property from Manatee County
Attachment: 09.09.14 Kinnan ES Transfer of Access Drive Deed.pdf

34. Approval of Anna Maria Elementary - Chiller Replacement - Substantial Completion
Attachment: Anna Maria Chiller Replacement Summary Sheet.pdf
Attachment: Anna Maria Chiller Replacement Substantial Completion and Punchlist.pdf

35. Approval of High School Athletic Facilities - Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Unit Replacement - Manatee High School - Substantial Completion
Attachment: HS Athletic Facilities HVAC Unit Repl - MHS - Sub Comp and Punchlist.pdf
Attachment: HS Athletic Facilities HVAC Unit Repl - MHS - Summary Sheet.pdf

36. Approval of Johnson Middle School - Chilled Water Piping Replacement - Substantial Completion
Attachment: JMS Chilled Water Piping Replacement Summary Sheet.pdf
Attachment: JMS Chilled Water Piping Replacement Substantial Completion and Punchlist.pdf

37. Approval of Braden River High School - Training Facility Lease Agreement with Manatee County Sheriff’s Office K-9 Unit
Attachment: 09.09.14 MCSO K-9 Training Facility Lease at BRHS.pdf

38. Approval of the Revised Job Description for Adult Migrant Recruiter
Attachment: Recruiter Adult Migrant.pdf

39. Approval of the Update to the Manatee Technical Institute (MTI) Business and Industry Service Specialist Job Description and Position
Attachment: Business and Industry Service Specialist (2).pdf

40. Approval of New Position and Job Description for Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Specialist
Attachment: Specialist, FTE.pdf

41. Approval of Providing Attorney Fees For Robert Gagnon, Pursuant To Florida Statute 1012.26 in an Amount Not to Exceed $68,720.00
Attachment: Petition for Reimbursement of Legal Services.pdf
Attachment: Affidavit of Attorney's Fees.pdf
Attachment: Affidavit as to Reasonable Attorney's Fees.pdf
Attachment: South Florida Billing Survey.pdf



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