At Monday's regular meeting, the Manatee County School Board chose to not pass a resolution that would have allowed for the sale of a parcel of property located at Martha B. King Middle School. Later in the meeting, the board approved a resolution that will allow for the continuance of the Modified Instructional Week program, or mandatory training hours, for teachers.
1. Agenda Amendments - p.8
CALL TO ORDER (5:45 p.m.)
2. Call to Order - p.9
3. Pledge of Allegiance - p.10
4. Invocation - p.11
5. Approval of the Orders of the Day - p.12 (passes unanimously)Attachment: Agenda Item - Modified Instructional Week.pdf
Attachment: Modified Instructional Week Possibilities.pdf
Attachment: Grant Application for Title II, Part A.pdf
Attachment: W061013.pdf
Attachment: S061013.pdf
Attachment: M061013.pdf
Attachment: Addendum for June 24, 2013.pdf
6. Community Partner Recognition for Florida Clinical Research
7. Golden School Award - p.13
8. Outstanding School Volunteers of the Year - p.15Attachment: Outstanding School Volunteers.pdf
9. Opening Comments by Karen Carpenter - p.16
10. Opening Remarks by Rick W. Mills - p.17
11. Florida School Boards Association - p.18
12. Procedure for Property Surplus and Sale - p.19Attachment: 06.24.13 Procedure for Property Surplus and Sale 6-12-13.pdf
13. Properties to be Considered for Surplus and Sale - p.20Attachment: Properties to Consider for Surplus and Sale rev1.pdf
14. Public Comments - p.21
Glen Gibalena spoke to the board about public records requests and compared his experiences making such requests from the school board with requesting the same from other local government boards, saying obtaining public record information from bodies such as the Manatee County Commission has been much easier than the district, which he felt was unnecessarily expensive, difficult and frustrating. He gave a copy of a six page essay that retiring Board Attorney Mr. Bowen wrote about public records requests, which he commended and gave copies of to Mr. Miner and Mr. Mills, and essentially said he hoped action would be taken to change the district's methods on the issue.
Local resident Mr. Charnell spoke to object to the possible sale of the parcel of Bayshore High School that the board was considering; he said that he feared that the sale of the parcel and its subsequent development into a property such as a pharmacy or restaurant "would change the character of Bayshore."
Linda Neeley spoke on two points: to request that a piece of inscribed paper that was passed around between board members during the meeting be read aloud, in accordance with Sunshine law, "... so that (the public) may see that message." After the note was read, she advocated for Constitution Week, a week which is when pupils are taught the U.S. constitution, feeling that students in the district were not being adequately educated on the subject during that week.
15. Approval of Minutes - p.22 (passes unanimously)Attachment: W061013.pdf
Attachment: S061013.pdf
Attachment: M061013.pdf
CONSENT ITEMS (6:42 p.m.)
Approval of Consent Agenda
16. Approval of Consent Agenda of June 24, 2013 - p.23 (passes unanimously)
Purchase(s) Bids $100,000.00 and Under
17. Approval of Bid for Roofing Repair Services, MCSD No. 14-0008-MR - p.24Attachment: 140008t.pdf
Attachment: 140008 BL.pdf
Attachment: 140008 BL Vendor LK.pdf18. Approval of Renewal (1) on the Use of School Board of Volusia County Request for Proposal on Procurement Card (P Card) Services, MCSD No. 10-0031-BS - p.2619. Approval of the Use of the School Board of Pasco County Bid on Band Uniforms for Lakewood Ranch High School, MCSD No. 13-0044-BS - p.27
Purchase(s) Bids Over $100,000.00
20. Approval of Bid for Acrylic Coating for Outdoor Sports Surfaces, MCSD No. 14-0009-MR - p.28Attachment: 140009t.pdf
Attachment: 140009 BL.pdf
Attachment: 140009BL Vendor LK.pdf21. Approval of Proposal for Therapy Services, Occupational and Physical, MCSD No. 14-0001-RH - p.30Attachment: 140001t.pdf
Attachment: 140001BL Part 1- JDE.pdf
Attachment: 140001BL Part 2- Vendor Link.pdf22. Approval of Proposal for Therapy Services- Speech and Language, MCSD No. 14-0002-RH - p.32Attachment: 140002BL Part 1-JDE.pdf
Attachment: 140002BL Part 2- Vendor Link.pdf
Attachment: 140002t- Speech & Language.pdf23. Approval of Purchase(s) of Instructional Materials and Textbooks, MCSD No. 14-0013-BS - p.3424. Approval of Purchase(s) of Testing Materials, MCSD NO. 14-0014-BS - p.3625. Approval of Renewal (2) on Print Management Services, MCSD No. 09-0088-SM - p.37
Contracts and Grants
26. Renewal of the Contract with Agility Physical Therapy and Sports Performance, LLC for Certified Athletic Trainer Services for the period of July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014 - p.38Attachment: Contract for Agility Physical Therapy.pdf27. Approval to Renew the Charter School Contract of Imagine – East Manatee County, LLC, dba Imagine School at Lakewood Ranch, and the School Board of Manatee County for a Period of Five Years for the 2013-2018 School Years - p.39Attachment: CONTRACT RENEWAL - IMAGINE AT LAKEWOOD RANCH 13-18.pdf
Attachment: Imagine Charter Lakewood Ranch - Renewal Summary Doc 3-13.pdf28. Approval to Renew the Contract Between Manatee Community Action Agency, Inc. (MCAA) and the School Board of Manatee County for the 2013-2014 School Year - p.41Attachment: MCAA Contract 2013-14.pdf29. Approval to Renew the Contract Between Manatee Glens Corporation and the School Board of Manatee County for the 2013-2014 School Year - p.43Attachment: Manatee Glens 13-14.pdf30. Approval to Renew the State of Florida School Readiness Services Provider Contracts between the School Board of Manatee County and the Early Learning Coalition of Manatee County for the 2013-2014 School Year - p.45Attachment: EDP Board Work 6-24-13.pdf31. Approval to Renew the State of Florida Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program Provider Agreement Between the School Board of Manatee County and the Early Learning Coalition of Manatee County for 2013-2014 - p.47Attachment: VPK Board Work 6-24-13.pdf32. Approval to Apply, Accept and Expend the Grant Application for the Title II Part A: Principal and Teacher Training Grant in the Amount of $1,690,064.00 for the Grant Period from July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014 - p.49Attachment: Grant Application for Title II, Part A.pdf33. Approval to Apply, Accept and Expend the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B and Preschool Entitlement Grant Application for the Fiscal Year 2013-2014 Through the End of the Grant Period June 30, 2014 - p.50Attachment: IDEA Grant 2013-14.pdf34. Approval to Apply, Accept and Expend the Patterson Foundation Legacy of Valor Grant/Concept in the Amount of $65,640.00 Effective June 1, 2013 – August 2014 - p.52Attachment: Legacy of Valor Concept for Stories of Valor - Manatee 3.pdf
Attachment: Legacy of Valor Concept for Elementary - Manatee 2.pdf
Attachment: Legacy of Valor Concept for Secondary - Manatee 2.pdf35. Approval to Apply, Accept and Expend as Manatee School District Serves as the Fiscal Agent for the Severely Emotionally Disturbed Network (SEDNET) Grant for the 2013-2014 School Year Through the End of the Grant Period June 30, 2014 - p.53Attachment: SEDNET project application.pdf
Attachment: SEDNET staff coordination form.pdf
Attachment: 13-14 SEDNET RFA Narrative DRAFT v6.4.13 4.pdf
36. Approval to Advertise the 2013/14 Tentative Annual Budget - p.55
Human Resources
37. Approval of the Appointments, Change of Assignments, Deceased, Promotions, Reappointments, Reassignments, Recommendations for Professional Service Contracts, Resignations, Retirements, Terminations and Transfers - p.56Attachment: Board Material - 06-24-13.pdf
Attachment: Resume - Mary Murray.pdf
Attachment: Resume - Cynthia Saunders.pdf
Attachment: Reappointments 06-24-13.pdf
Attachment: Addendum for June 24, 2013.pdf38. Approval of Positions and Job Description for Instructional Specialist - p.57Attachment: Job Description - Instructional Specialist 6-24-13.pdf
Attachment: Instructional Division Org Chart 3 - Instructional Specialist.pdf
39. Approval of the Comprehensive Fire Safety Inspection Report for Fiscal Year 2012-2013 - p.5940. Approval of the Teacher-Leader Performance Evaluation Systems for Charter Schools Required to Comply with Florida Statute 1012.34 - p.60
41. Leaves for June 24, 2013 Board Meeting - p.61Attachment: ATD Leaves 06-24-13.pdf
NEW BUSINESS (Discussion Items Pulled from Consent)
NEW BUSINESS (Non-Consent Items) (6:45 p.m.)
42. Approval to Adopt 2012-13 Resolution 13-03 Categorical Funding Flexibility - p.62 (passes unanimously)
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