BRADENTON – A host of improvement plans submitted by Manatee County schools were approved by the school board at Tuesday's meeting. In other business, two major district properties were approved for eventual sale, and updates on Internal Audit and legal department activities were presented.
CALL TO ORDER (6:30 p.m.)
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Approval of the Orders of the Day (Passed unanimously)Attachment: M102813.pdf
Attachment: T110113.pdf
Attachment: Addendum for November 19, 2013.pdf
Attachment: Resume - Caroline Hoffner.pdf
Attachment: Addendum II for November 19, 2013.pdf
Attachment: Agenda Item - Final Order for Termination of Lucas P. Juergens.pdf
AGENDA AMENDMENTS (Info Only) (6:45 p.m.)
5. Agenda Amendments
6. Opening Remarks from Chair
7. Opening Remarks by Rick W. Mills
8. Central Florida School Board Coalition
9. Legal Department Report
10. Internal Audit Report
11. Instructional Services Report
12. Operational Report
13. Public Comments
14. Approval of Minutes (Passed unanimously)
Attachment: W102813.pdf
Attachment: M102813.pdf
Attachment: T110113.pdf
CONSENT ITEMS (7:38 p.m.)
Approval of Consent Agenda
15. Approval of Consent Agenda for November 12, 2013 (Passed unanimously - items 25, 26, 29 and 32 severed for individual voting)
Purchase(s) Bids Over $100,000.00
16. Approval of Renewal (1) of the Use of State of Florida Contract for Office and Educational Consumables, MCSD No. 11-0025-BS, not to exceed $200,000.00
Contracts and Grants
17. Approval of Renewal Contract with Manatee County Family YMCA (Young Men's Christian Association, Inc.) to Provide YMCA School-Age Child Care (YMCA SACC) Before-and-or After-School Programs for Elementary Students During the 2013-2014 School YearAttachment: YMCA contract 2013-14.pdf18. Approval of Renewal of the Interagency Agreement between Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Sun Coast, Inc. and the School Board of Manatee County for the 2013-14 School YearAttachment: Manatee County School MOU.pdf19. Approval of the Renewal Agreements Between the School Board of Manatee County and Various Providers for Clinical Experience for Manatee Technical Institute (MTI) Pharmacy Technician for the 2014-2016 School Years20. Approval of the Renewal Agreement Between the School Board of Manatee County and Provider for Clinical Experience for Manatee Technical Institute (MTI) Practical Nursing Students for the 2014-2017 School Years21. Approval of the Renewal Agreement Between the School Board of Manatee County and Manatee County Family YMCA (Young Men’s Christian Association, Inc.) to Provide Before-and-or After-School Programs for Middle School Students During the 2013-14 School YearAttachment: Middle School Before and After School w. YMCA.pdf22. Approval to Renew the Contract for Follett Destiny Library Manager and Follett Destiny Textbook Manager, Software Maintenance and Support, Updates and TitlePeek Access for the Period of November 1, 2013 Through October 31, 2014 in the Amount of $96,782.30Attachment: Follett_Destiny Cover Sheet 102213.pdf
Attachment: Follett_Destiny Renewal Renewal 2013_14.pdf23. Approval to Apply, Accept and Expend the $12,872.00 Allocation Increase to the 2013-14 Adult General Education GrantAttachment: AGE Grant.pdf24. Approval to Apply, Accept and Expend the New Florida Blue Foundation Simulation Mini-Grant for $55,000.00 for Calendar Years 2014-2016
Capital Projects
25. Approval of Resolution 13-09 for SR 70 Outparcel A - Surplus and Disposal of Outparcel (Severed from consent agenda as board member Robert Gause recused himself from voting on item. Passed 4-0)Attachment: 11.19.13 RES 13-09 Exh A SR 70 Outparcel A Property Surplus & Disposal.pdf26. Approval of Educational Plant Supplemental Survey for Outparcel A at Braden River High School Property Surplus and Disposal (Severed from consent agenda as board member Robert Gause recused himself from voting on item. Passed 4-0)Attachment: 11.19.13 Spot Survey 4.3 BRHS Outparcels A & B Surplus Property.pdf27. Approval of Manatee Technical Institute - Automotive Classroom Addition - Agreement Between Owner and Fawley Bryant Architects, Inc. - in the amount of $72,000.00 (Removed from agenda prior to meeting)Attachment: MTI Automotive Addn AE Proposal Letter.pdf
Attachment: MTI SR 70 - Automotive Addn Summary Sheet.pdf
Attachment: MTI Automotive Addn AE Contract.pdf28. Approval of Manatee Technical Institute - Automotive Classroom Addition - Agreement Between Owner and HCBeck, Ltd. - Preconstruction Services in the amount of $2,296.00 (Removed from agenda prior to meeting)Attachment: MTI SR 70 - Automotive Addn Summary Sheet.pdf
Attachment: MTI Automotive Addn CM Proposal Letter.pdf
Attachment: MTI Automotive Addn CM Contract.pdf29. Approval of Rejection of Real Estate Broker Services, MCSD No. 12-0065-PB (Severed from consent agenda as board member Robert Gause recused himself from voting on item. Passed 4-0)
30. Approval of 2012-2013 School Safety and Security Best Practices Report for Submission to Florida Department of Education31. Approval of Educational Plant Supplemental Surveys for Johnson Middle School, Nolan Middle School, Manatee Technical Institute, Matzke Support Center and School Support CenterAttachment: 11.19.13 Johnson MS Supp Spot Survey.pdf
Attachment: 11.19.13 Matzke Support Center Supp Spot Survey.pdf
Attachment: 11.19.13 MTI SR 70 Supp Spot Survey.pdf
Attachment: 11.19.13 Nolan MS Supp Spot Survey.pdf
Attachment: 11.19.13 School Support Center Supp Spot Survey.pdf
32. Approval to Adopt 2012-13 Resolution 13-11 Categorical Flexible Spending ResolutionAttachment: Resolution 13-11 Categorical Flexible Spending 2012-13.pdf
37. Approval to Update the Exceptional Student Education Policies and Prodedures Document for the 2013-2014 through the 2015-2016 School Years38. Approval of Final Order for Termination of Lucas P. Juergens' Employment Effective November 20, 2013
39. Leaves for November 19, 2013 Board MeetingAttachment: Leaves 11-19-13.pdf
NEW BUSINESS (Discussion Items Pulled from Consent)
NEW BUSINESS (Non-Consent Items) (7:45 p.m.)
40. Approval of the 2013-2014 School Improvement Plans (Passed unanimously - story to follow)
41. Acceptance of the Year to Date Financial Statements through September 2013 (Passed unanimously)Attachment: September 2013.pdf
42. Approval of Budget Amendments for September 2013 (Passed unanimously)Attachment: Budget Amendment Report September 2013.pdf
43. School Board Workflow Items
44. School Board Proposed Agenda Items
BOARD COMMENTS (8:05 p.m.)
45. Board Comments
ADJOURNMENT (8:30 p.m.)
Adjournment of Meeting
46. Adjournment
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