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Manatee School Board Special Meeting Agenda Results: 6/10/2013


BRADENTON – At Monday's meeting, the Manatee School Board, expressing little confidence in the current Internal Audit Office, voted to abolish it. The board also selected firm Dye, Dietrich Petruff & St. Paul to be its new partner in legal counsel. In other business, approved changes were made to the District's Student Progression Plan and Student Code of Conduct, and an advertisement of a public hearing for a policy of preferring local businesses in bids and contracts was approved.


AGENDA AMENDMENTS (5:45 p.m.) (Passed unanimously)

1. Agenda Amendments - p.8

CALL TO ORDER (5:45 p.m.)

2. Call to Order - p.9
3. Pledge of Allegiance - p.10
4. Invocation - p.11
5. Approval of the Orders of the Day (Passed unanimously)
Attachment: Agenda Item - Approval of Request to Declare Surplus and Sell Portables 100, 127, 178, and 173 to Visible Men Academy.pdf
Attachment: Purchase & Sale Agreement Portables Visible Men Academy Rev.pdf
Attachment: Revised - 2013-14 Code of Conduct DRAFT.pdf
Attachment: 2013-14 Draft 4.9.1 Elem SPP, 06-10-13.pdf
Attachment: 2013-14 Draft 4.9.2 Middle SPP - 06-10-13.pdf
Attachment: 2013-14 4.9.4 Virtual Education 5-2-13.pdf
Attachment: M051313.pdf
Attachment: W052013.pdf
Attachment: W060313.pdf
Attachment: S060313.pdf
Attachment: 2013-2014 Draft High School SPP.- SH 06-10-13.pdf
Attachment: Agenda Item - School Board Attorney Selection.pdf
Attachment: Agenda Item - Internal Audit Services.pdf


6. Graduates from the AVID - Advancement via Independent Determination Program - p.12


7. 2013 Florida State Science & Engineering Fair Award Winners - p.13
Attachment: 2013 State Science Fair Finalists.pdf


8. Opening Comments by Karen Carpenter - p.14


9. Opening Comments by Rick W. Mills - p.15
Superintendent Mills thanked the board's transition team for sharing its report which analyzed each of the district's different departments. Mills said that many of the team's recommendations are in the process of being implemented. He also commented on the district's FCAT score results that were recently released, saying that although the county is still behind state averages in most education categories, there were some bright spots in the results and that the district's educational record would continue to improve.



10. Public Comments - p.16
During Public Comments, Linda Neeley advocated that the board outsource legal counsel, saying that in-house counsel would bring conflicts of interest and the taxpayer's burden of paying for benefits and retirement pension.
Corey Holmes argued that in-house legal advice would be the better solution, saying that the remaining four candidates for legal counsel do not have extensive experience in employment law, and that there is an issue with employees "not trusting our district .... it would be reasonable to keep legal advice in-house," he said.
Also during Public Comments, there was a dispute between members of the audience over whether some commenters were violating meeting rules by advocating their political views and holding up political signs. Vice Chair Julie Aranibar, who had interrupted commenters a few times when she felt the political line had been crossed, asked Board Attorney John Bowen to clarify how the Board should proceed. Mr. Bowen responded that Aranibar should go on proceeding as she had been by keeping commenters in check when she felt that the line had been crossed.

PUBLIC HEARING (6:35 p.m.)

11. Public Hearing for Consideration of Adopting Amendment to Policy 4.9, Student Progression - p.17 (Passed unanimously)
Attachment: 2013-14 Student Progression.pdf
Attachment: 2013-14 Draft 4.9.1 Elem SPP, 06-10-13.pdf
Attachment: 2013-14 Draft 4.9.2 Middle SPP - 06-10-13.pdf
Attachment: 2013-14 4.9.4 Virtual Education 5-2-13.pdf
Attachment: 2013-2014 Draft High School SPP.- SH 06-10-13.pdf

12. Public Hearing for Consideration of Adopting Proposed Amendment to Policy 5.1, Code of Student Conduct - p.18 (Passed unanimously)
Attachment: Proposed Amendment to Policy 5.1, Code of Student Conduct.pdf
Attachment: Revised - 2013-14 Code of Conduct DRAFT.pdf

13. Public Hearing for Consideration of Adopting Proposed Amendment to Policy 8.5, Construction of New Facilities, Remodeling or Renovation of Existing District Facilities - p.19 (Passed unanimously)
Attachment: Rule 8.5 - Proposed Version, 042613.pdf


14. Approval of Minutes - p.20 (Passed unanimously)
Attachment: M051313.pdf
Attachment: W052013.pdf
Attachment: W060313.pdf
Attachment: S060313.pdf

CONSENT ITEMS (6:58 p.m.)

Approval of Consent Agenda

15. Approval of Consent Agenda of June 10, 2013 - p.21 (Passed unanimously, with item 32 moved to New Business for purposes of further discussion)
Purchase(s) Bids $100,000.00 and Under

16. Approval of Renewal (2) on Painting Services, MCSD No. 11-0053-MR - p.22
Attachment: Painting Services - Original Bid.pdf
Attachment: Painting Services - Original Tabulation.pdf
Attachment: Painting Services - Tabulation for Renewal 1.pdf

17. Approval of Renewal (1) on Food Service Equipment Repair Services, MCSD No. 13-0005-MR - p.24
Attachment: Food Service Equipment - Original Bid.pdf
Attachment: Food Service Equipment - Original Tabulation.pdf

18. Approval of Renewal (2) on the Use of Collier County Bid for Household Hazardous Waste Collection, MCSD No. 11-0051-MR - p.26
Attachment: Hazardous Waste Collier County-Contract Letter - Manatee Co 2.pdf
Attachment: Hazardous Waste Collier County HHW Contract Pricing 2010 2.pdf
Attachment: Harardous Waste Collier County HHW Renewal 2012 2.pdf
Attachment: Hazardous Waste Collier County Bid Tabulation.pdf
Attachment: Hazardous Waste Collier County 09-5306 HouseholdHazardousWa.pdf

Purchase(s) Bids Over $100,000.00

19. Approval to Purchase Property and Liability Insurance - p.28
Attachment: Attachment - Approval to Purchase Property and Liability I.pdf

Contracts and Grants

20. Approval of Athletic Coaching Endorsement Program Add-On from July 2013 to June 2018 - p.30
Attachment: Coaching Endorsement - 4-23-13 EB.pdf

21. Approval of Gifted Endorsement Program Add-On from July 2013 to June 2018 - p.31
Attachment: 2013-2018 Gifted Program Renewal-Manatee EB.pdf

22. Approval of the Freedom and Democracy Contract between the School Board of Manatee County and National Council for History Education (NCHE) for June 23-30, 2013 - p.32
Attachment: Holt contract 101000.pdf

23. Approval of the Liberty Fellows Contract between the School Board of Manatee County and National Council for History Education (NCHE) for June 19-21, 2013 - p.33
Attachment: Holt contract 49 000.pdf

24. Approval of the New Agreement Between the School Board of Manatee County and Di Moda Salon, Inc. for On-The-Job Training for Exceptional Student Education Students for the School Years 2013-2016 - p.34
Attachment: Di Moda Salon, Inc..pdf

25. Approval of the New Agreement Between the School Board of Manatee County and Sea Star Café, LLC for On-The-Job Training for Exceptional Student Education Students for the School Years 2013-2016 - p.36
Attachment: Sea Star Cafe 2016.pdf

26. Approval to Renew the Agreement Between the AVID Center and the School District of Manatee County for the 2013-2014 School Year - p.38
Attachment: AVID Contract 2013-14.pdf
Attachment: AVID Data.pdf

27. Approval of Amendment to the Contract for Professional Services By and Between the School Board of Manatee County, Florida and Children's Therapy Solutions, Inc. - p.40
Attachment: Children's Therapy Solutions Inc..pdf

28. Approval to Renew the Contract Between Carlton Palms Education Center, Inc. and the School Board of Manatee County for the 2013-2014 School Year - p.41
Attachment: Carlton Palms Educational Center, Inc.pdf

29. Approval to Apply, Accept and Expend the $7,060.00 Fourth Budget Amendment to the 2012-2013 Farmworker Jobs and Education Grant - p.42
Attachment: Farmworker Jobs & Education.pdf

30. Approval to Apply, Accept and Expend the Florida Department of Education Race to the Top District Evaluation Systems Monitoring Grant Program in the Amount of $80,000.00 Effective May 15, 2013 through June 30, 2014 - p.4
Attachment: Race to the Top - District Evaluation Systems Monitoring.pdf

31. Approval to Partner in the Collaboration of the Center of Partnerships for Arts-Integrated Teaching (PAInT) at the University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee and the Manatee County School District - p.46
Attachment: Proposal for Weller Grant.pdf

Construction Services



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