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Manatee School Board Votes to Not Sell Outparcel Property on Martha B. King Middle


The Manatee School District's consideration of selling an outparcel property at Martha B. King Middle School was halted on Monday, when the school board voted 3-1 to not pass the resolution that would have approved the sale during its regular meeting session, with Vice Chair Julie Aranibar casting the lone "yea" vote.

Board member Bob Gause recused himself from voting, citing a potential conflict of interest, he said, based on the potential for one of his consulting firm's clients to purchase the property and after discussion with legal counsel.

Board member David Miner expressed belief that moving forward to approve the resolution would not be prudent as the board had not discussed the sale with the Student Advisory Committee or the county, both of which he felt should have a say in such a move. Board Chair Karen Carpenter gave those same reasons for dissenting after the vote took place.

The property, which is currently only partially covered with tennis courts and vehicle parking, was one of four outparcels being considered for selling under Superintendent Rick Mills's Financial Recovery Plan.

The sale of the other three properties - two located on Braden River High School, the other on Bayshore High School - was not considered during the meeting as those outparcels had not yet been appraised.