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Manatee Sheriff


BRADENTON – While eating dinner on vacation at Disney, MCSO Deputy John Moore thought fast and remained calm when a child who was seated at a table close by passed out. Deputy Moore was able to stabilize the boy's condition until EMS arrived to take over treatment. He is the MCSO Deputy of the Month for March 2014.

From MCSO:

On March 1, 2014, Deputy John Moore was on a family vacation at Disney’s Magic Kingdom and had just been seated for dinner in one of the restaurants. Suddenly, there was a loud thud and a man yelling someone’s name at a nearby table. Deputy Moore went to the table and saw a man holding an adolescent boy who had turned blue and was disoriented. 

Deputy Moore took control of the situation and asked the boy if he was choking, which he was confused but able to respond negative. Deputy Moore evaluated his condition and determined he was suffering from heat stroke. He had the restaurant manager bring cold towels and fluids to get the boy’s body temperature down and also relayed the boy’s condition to another staff member who was calling for emergency medical services.

During the incident, Deputy Moore remained calm and continued to assure the boy that all would be well. By the time EMS arrived, the boy was more alert and feeling better. He briefed the EMS personnel and they took over treatment. For his quick response and actions as a first responder, Deputy John Moore is awarded Deputy of the Month for March 2014.

TBT Salutes Deputy Moore for his service to our community.


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