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Medical Marijuana Favored by 82 Percent in Most Recent Florida Poll


BRADENTON – Assuming medical marijuana makes Florida's ballot next year as an amendment referendum, the chances of it passing look good according to a recent Quinnipiac University poll. 82 percent of poll participants said they favored it, with only 16 percent coming out against the initiative.

Support jumped from 70 percent in the previous poll and was high among voters of all political affiliations, ages and income levels. Independents gave the most support with 88 percent. Democrats supported it at 55 percent, while Republicans offered the least support, though 30 percent still favored medical legalization.

Also according to the poll, 48 percent of Florida voters support marijuana legalization for personal use, while only 46 percent oppose it. Political analysts think the measure could even be a factor in the governor's race. Assuming Charlie Crist is the Democratic candidate, high turnout among Independents and Democrats who favor the medical-marijuana referendum could translate to extra votes.

In the same poll, Governor Scott trailed Crist 40-47 percent, though that's up from Quinnipiac's last poll in June, when Scott trailed Crist by a whopping 10 points.
