Port Manatee Propeller Club
Mike Burton |
Port Manatee Propeller Club Second Vice President Michael A.G. Burton will discuss
Amendment 4 at the next club meeting at the Bradenton Yacht Club Aug. 12th.
Amendment 4 is on the Nov. 2nd ballot in Florida as an initiated constitutional amendment to the Florida Constitution. The initiative would require a taxpayer-funded referendum for all changes to local government comprehensive land-use plans.
Burton serves as the chairman of Citizens for Lower Taxes and a Stronger Economy, Inc. in Manatee County, an organization opposed to Amendment 4.
Burton is a consultant in the fields of natural resource regulatory policy and wildlife habitat restoration and is the Practice Center managing leader for Environmental Management in Florida at WilsonMiller Stantec.
He is a former chairman of the Planning and Zoning Board for the City of Palmetto, a board member of the Manatee Chamber of Commerce and has been active with the chamber's Environmental Committee since 1996. He represents the chamber as a member of the Environmental Lands Management and Acquisition Advisory Committee (ELMAC), a citizen advisory committee to the Manatee County Board of Commissioners. He serves as a board member on The Myakka Conservancy and the environmental advisory committee for the Southwest Florida Water Management District.
In 2003, Burton and Environmental Affairs Consultants, Inc. founder Gary Montin were honored by the Bradenton Herald and the Manatee Chamber of Commerce as Manatee County's Small Business of the Year. In 2004, Burton was recognized by the Gulf Coast Business Review as one of "40 Under 40" young entrepreneurs making an impact in business in Southwest Florida.
Burton earned a bachelor's degree in environmental studies from New College of Florida and a master's degree in business administration from the
University of South Florida, with specializations in finance, management information systems and international business.
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