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Movers and Shakers: Alfstand& Productions Hires Three in Sarasota


SARASOTA – Alfstad& Productions has announced three new people joining the art production studio. They are Keith Alvarado, Studio Manager; James Dormer Schneider, Digital Production Assistant; and Frank Malafronte, Conceptual Researcher. “Each is an artist with unique skills and each has had an immediate impact on our creative process,” says Sam Alfstad. “We’re fortunate to draw talent from Sarasota’s pool of artists and schools.”

Located in the Rosemary District, Alfstad& Productions is dedicated to producing and marketing art – and creating multidimensional art exhibitions – using both digital technologies and traditional art production techniques.

Keith Alvarado joined Alfstad& as Studio Director in April and has been instrumental in getting the studio up and running. A graduate of the Ringling College of Art & Design, Keith’s work has been recognized by the Society of Illustrators of New York. In 2009, he was chosen for the society’s Richard Anderson Scholarship, and the following year for the Verdon Flory Scholarship Award.

Also a graduate of RCAD, as well as the University of Tampa, James Dormer Schneider earned degrees in Illustration and Studio Art. Adept at figurative and landscape painting, as well as digital printmaking. James worked in Sarasota at the Basch & CJ Smith Gallery and Florida Motocross magazine. Since 2011, he has tutored RCAD students in digital media and advanced art tools.

Frank Malafronte earned his B.A. in Art History from Northeastern University and will be doing art research for Alfstad&, delving into biographical, technical and legal issues. Involved in the art world for more than a decade, Frank was Operations Manager at the Lonouse Fine Arts Gallery in Boston and Nicholas Robinson Gallery in NYC. Also an artist, his work has been exhibited in Boston, Los Angeles, New York and Miami.

Creative Director Casey Alfstad says Alfstad& Productions will mount its first exhibition in February 2014. “We are searching for venues to hold our first show,” she says. “Things are starting to get exciting!”

About Alfstad& Productions

Founded in 2013 and located in the historic Rosemary District of Sarasota, Florida, Alfstad& is exploring new ways to produce art, collaborate with artists and promote multidimensional art exhibitions. Its goal is to reimagine how to make and market art, and – in the process – create an art brand recognized worldwide. Alfstad& Productions is located at 1421 5th Street in Sarasota. For more information about the company, visit www.alfstadand.com or call 941-366-6400.