BRADENTON – The Board of Directors of ArtCenter Manatee is pleased to announce that long-time ACM employee Carla Nierman has accepted the position as Executive Director of ArtCenter Manatee.
Carla is a graduate of Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan and previous owner of LaserOmics, a successful business development and management company in Clearwater, Florida before moving to Manatee County. After moving to Bradenton, Carla worked in the garden design, development and sales industry.
Ms. Nierman came to ArtCenter Manatee in 2007 starting at the reception desk and quickly moved up to develop and manage ACM’s widely popular Artist Gift Market. In recent years Carla has served as the Special Events Director taking on the successful Art at the Ranch Event as well as the Jazzy Ladies Fashion Show and many Opening Night receptions, including the National and American Watercolor Society Traveling Shows.
Carla brings with her the knowledge and experience necessary to manage a successful teaching and learning center and has proven gallery management and public relation skills.
Ms. Nierman said that she is thankful for the opportunity to lead ArtCenter Manatee into the future and looks forward to serving our Members and the Community and being a part of the Riverfront renaissance. She went on to say that this is a very thrilling time for Bradenton and that ACM, with its 75 years of service to the community, looks forward to being a cornerstone of Bradenton’s revitalization.
The mission of ArtCenter Manatee is to provide a welcoming, professional environment, educate novice and experienced artists of all ages, provide galleries to exhibit and market original artwork and enhance the visual arts in Manatee County through special events and outreach programs. More information about ArtCenter Manatee can be found at
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