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Movers and Shakers: HuB Reaches 100% Capacity In One Year


SARASOTA – The HuB located in downtown Sarasota has reached 100% capacity in less than one year. With over 40,000 square feet of space to fill, the HuB has become a center of innovation and creativity in Sarasota, Florida. Over 15,000 s.f. of the four story building is the incubator / co-work space where entrepreneurs can connect with a community to help them start and grow their business. 

With 50 spaces for entrepreneurs to fill, the HuB is home to many amazing businesses ranging from animation, video production, web development to mobile apps, e-commerce and cloud-based B2B solutions. Over the past few years, many of the companies have expanded into larger spaces within the HuB, including Dealers United and Lucid Global, which recently won the STEM Innovation Award.

"When we started the HuB in a small warehouse, people thought we were crazy. We just wanted to create a place where creative entrepreneurs could come and hang out and do cool things. As more people joined the HuB, we began to expand. It's truly amazing and hard to believe that we have filled up our new space so quickly. It proves that the entrepreneurial energy is much higher in Sarasota than what people think," says HuB founder, Rich Swier Jr.

The HuB also provides space for community events ranging from non-profit to business networking. The HuB has hosted over 50 events in the past year. 

"We understand how important it is to bring the community together, and we are fortunate to have a space where we can host events for a wide range of organizations. We believe the more connections we can create, the more opportunity we can create for entrepreneurs in the HuB," says Bob Poole, Event Organizer at the HuB.

The HuB is celebrating their grand opening for Level 2 on October 18th at 6pm. The general public is welcome. The event is also launching the gallery of local artist Brian David Braun titled "Organic Ghosts".

"We are excited to be launching the second level of the HuB, which ironically is already full. We had people moving in before we even had furniture. We love the excitement and energy that everyone has brought to this building", says Rich Swier Jr.

The HuB is planning on announcing new projects at the grand opening including HuBED. HuBED will be an educational program offered to the general public that will include classes and workshops on entrepreneurship, technology and other relevant topics.

"We are excited to launch HuBED because we believe the best way for people to connect and truly network is through learning from each other." says Zach Daudert, co-founder of HuBED.

About The HuB

For more information on The HuB, email Rich Swier (richswier@gmail.com) or visit www.hubsarasota.com.


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