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Movers and Shakers: Knight Marketing Selected by Alive Sciences


SARASOTA – Knight Marketing has been selected by Alive Sciences, the company that is revolutionizing patient monitoring in non-acute healthcare, to guide its branding and go-to-market strategies.

Alive Sciences co-founded and markets the Rothman Index, a tool that allows healthcare providers to identify problems very early on and take action to prevent adverse health events.

Knight Marketing is currently working with the principles, including CEO Steven Rothman, CMO Duncan Finlay and COO Darlene Arbeit, to develop an overall brand look as well as key brand assets. Based in Sarasota, it is also assisting in the development of a national launch for Alive Sciences and providing sales support.

“We selected Knight Marketing because of their excellent reputation in the community and their deep experience in healthcare,” said Arbeit. “Their knowledge and insight is already proving very valuable in our efforts.”

Tracy Knight, president of Knight Marketing, noted that the team stands strongly behind Alive Sciences’ mission. 

“We believe Alive Sciences is going to be a global influence in patient monitoring and care,” she stated. “But more importantly, we know they are doing it because they want to prevent suffering and tragedy.  When you have that kind of client, you want to do everything in your power to make them successful.”

Knight Marketing was founded in 1997 and is owned by Tracy Knight and Ticia Mahler. It represents a variety of regional and national clients in sectors including healthcare, hospice, building products, tourism and real estate.