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No Charges in Baugh/Rahn Sunshine Allegations


BRADENTON — The State Attorney's Office will not pursue charges against Manatee County Commission Chair Mike Rahn and former commissioner Vanessa Baugh. The two were alleged to have violated Florida sunshine laws by pressuring former acting administrator Lee Washington to hire development lobbyist John Mast as a deputy county commissioner.

Washington made the allegations in a whistleblower complaint. He claimed that Baugh and Rahn invited him to lunch at O'Bricks, where they were met by Mast. He alleged that the two commissioners said Mast would "help the county move forward with land development code, the comprehensive plan, and other duties that the county is trying to get accomplished" if brought into a deputy position. Commissioners are prohibited from discussing county business or a matter likely to become county business outside of a publicly noticed meeting.

Former Manatee County Commissioner Carol Whitmore and Mary Glass (daughter of former commissioner Pat Glass) were interviewed as witnesses, as they had been at the restaurant as well, but they told investigators they did not hear any of the conversation. Since the investigation was limited to the competing stories of each side and there were no witnesses, State Attorney Ed Brodsky's office decided not to seek charges, noting that the state "has insufficient evidence to prove that a Sunshine Law violation occurred beyond a reasonable doubt."


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  • Debann

    I would believe Lee Washington over liar Baugh and her cronies Rahn and Mast.. unfortunately Lee was outnumbered....When is the witch pay her 8000.00 fine..NOTHING BUT CORRUPTION IN THIS TOWN

    Tuesday, February 13 Report this

  • Rlasunto

    Move along folks, nothing to see here. A jury wouldn't be able to grasp such a complicated case a trial by itself might be harmful to democracy.

    Wednesday, February 14 Report this

  • bbenac

    Lee Washington is an upstanding citizen of Manatee County, and was a long time very valued employee of Manatee County government. He did what he thought was right-taking a huge political risk to report a crime by his bosses. First he was denied due process by the county attorney who said that the BOCC could not be subject to a whistleblower complaint (hmmm…this claim of an elected official being immune to prosecution for crimes while in office sounds familiar). Now the State Attorney has decided that his complaint IN WRITING is not enough evidence to prove that the meeting was a violation of the sunshine law. Are you kidding me?? What will it take to get justice in this corrupt county? VOTE THEM ALL OUT. I ran with Brodsky and I liked him-but if you have seen his picture at the Beruff parties you know where his bread is buttered……

    Thursday, February 15 Report this