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Palmetto Begins Search for New Commissioner


PALMETTO -- Palmetto City Commissioners knew it wasn't going to be easy replacing their friend and colleague Mary Lancaster, who resigned last week. None of the other commissioners had experienced having to replace a colleague. Together, they laid out a couple of options as to how they might go about it.


Mayor Shirley Groover Bryant brought two options to the commission. 


Option #1 -  Establish a time frame of three weeks to accept resumes from interested residents; issue press release stating criteria; post on website and in local papers.


A. Have potential replacements complete an affidavit stating they meet the eligibility requirements.

B. Potential candidate's resumes presented to Commission after the deadline

C. Commission reviews the candidates submissions 

D. Commission makes motion for the replacement at the November 7 meeting which could include one of the resumes submitted or anyone else who meets the qualifications.  


Option #2 -  Commission can make a motion to replace anytime, based on the resumes received to date or personal knowledge of someone who is interested and meets the qualifications, with the potential replacement to complete an affidavit stating they meet eligibility requirements. 


Commissioners voted unanimous for option #1


Everyone at City Hall is going to miss Mary Lancaster and are only hoping whoever replaces her will have the enthusiasm Mary did. That would be a lot to ask, but commissioners are looking for someone who wants to bring commitment and the will to respectfully represent Ward 1. Lancaster's opponent in the 2010 election, Charles Smith, who lost by a mere 16 votes, has reportedly already submitted his resume for the position. Smith currently sits on the CRA advisory board for the city.