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Planning Commission Gets Visit from Determined Boy Scout


BRADENTON -- At Thursday's Planning Commission meeting, inspiration showed up wrapped in merit badges and a look of confidence. It was Lane LaBranche, escorted by his grandfather Alan LaBranche. Lane was there to see what happens behind the dais.

Lane at the dais of the BOCC chambers
Lane with his grandfather Alan

Lane is 13 years old and has all of the poise of a mature adult. He is working on becoming an "Eagle Scout," which is quite an accomplishment for such a young man. His grandfather Alan thought the experience would be a good adventure in furthering his Eagle Scout goal. 

Lane, a Troop 181 Boyscout of America scout, was wearing 39 merit badges and working on his 40th. He says his goal in life is to achieve a career in marine biology, "to help save our marine life." 

Planning Commission Chairman Richard Bedford heard Lane was sitting in the hall and asked him to approach the dais and say a few words. Lane said he was glad to be there. 

Lane and Alan were later offered a tour of the METV facilities from specialist Chris Dolan, and Lane left with a DVD of the meeting that he had just participated in.

We salute Alan for his accomplishments and giving us a bright glimpse of our future.