BRADENTON -- On Thursday, Manatee County's Planning Commission recommended a green light for University Village LLC to build 208 semi-detached residents on 104 lots on a 51.5 acre parcel located at 3211 Tallevast Road in Bradenton. The applicant said he is going to introduce a new style and concept to the homeowner experience.
The style of dwelling he's proposed to build are called "paired villas." Doing the math -- 208 homes on 104 lots equals duplexes. Not a lot of information was given about the structures, but the net density is 4.22, and the zoning, if passed, will be RES-6 (6 dwelling units per acre).
The Kinnan Elementry School sits directly east of the proposed project and Palm Lake Condominiums sits directly to the south. The site is approximately 1,500 feet from U.S. 301.
There were some minor stipulations that Carlos Beruff (the applicant) promised to work-out with staff before the project would go before the BOCC, and staff agreed. One was the proposed west wall is 280 feet from the nearest home, so Beruff asked to substitute a fence for the wall.
One citizen spoke, Richard Hayworth. He said he was born on the property and wanted to tell the commission that the Pearce drain which cuts through the property was built over 100 years ago and built by Frank Parrish. He said the property carried a lot of water then, and it carries a lot of water now.
"People here don't know how much water can accumulate here -- I'm really concerned about water," said Hayworth.
Planning staff said there wouldn't be a problem with flooding and agreed they had things worked out with the applicant. A motion to recommend approval passed 6 - 0, Wick abstaining (technically absent).
Wick did sit at the back of the room, and had a couple of conversations with Mr. Beruff during the presentation part. Rumor was that Wick was in partnership with Beruff on the project, but Wick voted on #5, the Wildcat Parrish project, the item right before University Village and was also a Beruff project.
There was't an announcement as to why Wick was excused, and the commissioner did not comment.
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