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Planning Commission Recommends RV Zoning Proposal


BRADENTON -- The proposed McMullen Creek R V Park is at Bay Shore Rd. and Palm View Rd. The request brought before the commission was for a PDRV (Planned Development Recreational Vehicle) Zoning, and recommendation for approval of a 499-recreational vehicle site. Commissioners did recommend the proposal, but remained in question to what exactly qualifies as an RV.

On May 9, 2013, the Planning Commission first recommended the currently proposed 92.13 acres. Then the request was for 573 sites. Thursday's request was revised down to 499 sites.

The property presently sits in five different zoning districts. If Thursday's zoning amendment request is later approved by the BOCC, it will bring all of the property under a PDRV.

Most of the opposition cited Palm View, a middle school one block away, and the danger the 500 temporary visitors might pose, plus the likelihood of flooding; exacerbating the local residents' reoccurring struggle with that issue.

"I live on that road, across from Frog Creek said, Mike Hook. "It is not if, but how many times it will flood. The diesel run-off ... I don't see how you can treat it."

Tad Cooper said, "There is a school right there. The diesel fumes, that affects their learning. I am opposed to the noise and traffic."

Marla Huff, from Huff Engineering, representing the applicant, defended another comment, answering, "The surrounding roads do have capacity," and then referenced the 1927 Mediterranean-style home on the property that locals feared would be destroyed. "The house is up for grabs," Huff said.

It seemed like the commission was closing in on a motion, when Albert Horrigan, one of the newly appointed commissioners, asked, "Could someone please explain to me what a Park Trailer is?"

In the state statute description of what qualifies as a recreational vehicle, the definition is everything but precise. The discussion concluded the commissioners' semantics, agreeing on one observation: it has to have wheels and be mobile if needed.

The motion was directed at that qualification.

The county attorney quickly reminded the commission that the state statute preempts any definition the county might come up with, and they were assured the issue would be defined by the time the issue went before the BOCC.

The vote -- recommend for approval, 4 to 3; Horrigan, DsLesline and Rhoades dissented.

The BOCC will hear the proposal sometime in January.