BRADENTON - The city and the union that represents Bradenton Police Department officers have reached a deal on a one-year contract extension with no pay increase, it was announced at Wednesday's City Council meeting.
The new contract begins Oct. 1 and expires Sept. 30, 2010.
Police Chief Michael Radzilowski said police officers came to the negotiating table without asking for a raise because they knew the sluggish economy had already taken its toll on taxpayers.
"It certainly shows that the officers are not here for the money, but to make a legitimate difference in keeping the city safe and financially sound," Radzilowski said.
The Florida Police Benevolent Association represents the department's 100 police officers and sergeants. Sgt. Brian Thiers, the department's union representative, said negotiations went with relatively ease.
"The union understands the financial impact the city has undertaken this past year," he said.
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