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Port Authority approves hiring of financial adviser


BRADENTON - The Manatee County Port Authority on Tuesday approved the hiring of a financial adviser on Tuesday.

Port Authority member Donna Hayes repeated her objection to hiring John White because she said she was not comfortable with hiring a financial adviser without putting out a Request for Proposal.

The authority then voted 5-1, with Hayes dissenting, to hire White, of Fifth Third Securities, and he has begun work for the port. His pay is not to exceed $10,000 for the remainder of the current fiscal year, said Jill VanderPol, the port's communications manager.

In other Port Authority action Tuesday, members:

  • Voted 6-0 to approve the South Channel Extension project.

  • Voted 6-0 to move the Aug. 20 Port Authority meeting to Aug. 27.

In the consent agenda, the members voted 6-0 on the following:

  • Minutes from the June 9, 18 and 23 meetings.

  • Budget resolution

  • Port Manatee Entrance Enhancement

  • South Channel Extension Project

  • Litigation Authorization