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Realize Bradenton Receives Prestigious Recognition


BRADENTON -- The American Planning Association, Florida Chapter, has honored Realize Bradenton with its “Outstanding Public Interest Group of the Year” award, which will be formally presented in Orlando this September at the 2013 APA Florida Annual Conference. The award acknowledges Realize Bradenton's outstanding efforts to improve the vitality, prosperity and success of the Bradenton community.

Established in 2009, Realize Bradenton is a non-profit organization that works to boost Bradenton’s economic development, cultural tourism, and quality of life by creating partnerships with residents, business people, educational institutions, cultural partners, professional planners, and city officials.

“This award is recognition of our community’s collective achievements for the Bradenton area and we're honored to accept it," says Dr. Judy Sedgeman, chair of Realize Bradenton's board of trustees. "We recognize that partnerships are key components of the community planning process. Each group has a unique role to play in the development of a great community.”

Crowd shot at the 2012 Bradenton Blues Festival

Bradenton mayor, Wayne Poston, believes that Realize Bradenton’s commitment to strengthening and connecting Bradenton’s social, physical, and cultural assets has produced measurable positive results.

“Under Johnette Isham’s leadership, Realize Bradenton has become the best planning and creative team in Florida,” says Poston. "The events, promotions, and partnerships developed by the organization have resulted in positive economic growth, visitor attraction, and a vibrant downtown. Southern Business & Development magazine recently showcased Bradenton in its feature on ‘Ten Wonderful Small Town Central Business Districts in the South.’ Thanks to Realize Bradenton and its many partners, we’re moving ahead in leaps and bounds."

Realize Bradenton’s collaborative projects and events include the Bradenton Blues Festival, which debuted in 2012; the Downtown Bradenton Farmers' Market; and dozens of arts and cultural events, including the annual ArtSlam, an outdoor arts and performance festival. The organization partnered with Bradenton's Downtown Development Authority on the $6.2 million downtown Riverwalk project. Realize Bradenton is currently collaborating with the Bradenton Downtown Development Authority, the University of South Florida, New College, and various other partners on a project to revitalize Bradenton’s 14th Street district, which includes Village of the Arts.

“Realize Bradenton is the kind of community development organization that we all wish we had in our communities,” says Kathie Ebaugh, AICP, principal planner for Lee County Department of Community Development. “It supports the efforts of the city’s planning department by engaging the residents, business people, and visitors in community planning activities and public events. In doing so, Realize Bradenton improves the quality of life and livability of the city for all.”


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