Judy Scott
BRADENTON -- A bike, a park, and you riding in the wilderness. Ah, wilderness.
was a gorgeous Sunday afternoon; cool, but sunny and with a sky so blue
it still brings exhiliaration. All we needed were bikes and lots of
energy to travel the many paths of Robinson
Preserve and down the bridges, around the bends that
lead into beautiful quiet views that brought peace to our soul.
"Passing on the left," we hollered to the many walkers as we rode
up behind them, some of who were retirement age, while others were
teens and young families pushing baby strollers. Everybody looked so
healthy! But who doesn't, when you're striding so confidently and
athletically for miles?
Next time, let's carry a
picnic in a backpack and really enjoy this treasure that the County and
the Robinson Family so incredibly
bestowed upon us.
We also met all kinds of dogs (on leashes, of course) including a
poodle-like dog that was quite perky. My husband said the head looked
like a terrier. I have heard of a Labrador-poodle mix, but not sure
what this dog was, but he sure was pretty as he trotted along with his
We rode throughout the preserve, enjoying the twists
and turns and scenery, rather desolate, yet beautiful in its sameness.
The huge wooden tower with its breathtaking view of the Skyway Bridge
afforded us the chance to get off our bikes and climb to the top.
passed a dog hesitantly mounting the stairs, doing more sitting than
His owners explained that it was the first time he had gone
up stairs, and the dog was somewhat afraid.
It was a German Shepard.
I thought they were brave dogs! He finally made it, and I am sure he
had the same satisfaction I did after having biked five miles and
making it to the top of the tower, although he looked to be in better
shape than I felt.
I sat down at the top to gather up the energy to bike the five
miles home. The German Shepard had more trouble coming down than going
up, despite coaxing by many passersby..."good dog".... although he
eventually got the hang of it and made it down.
A little
family of dad, mom and toddler son pulled up in a canoe, disembarked
and hiked up to the tower's top. Along the way, they met the German's
owners. Fellow dog lovers, they wound up exchanging phone numbers.
"Could the owners be breeders?" My husband and I speculated as we
climbed down, mounted our bikes and headed down another trail that took
us to a beachhead, with benches, picnic table and the white sugar sand
that is still so unbelieveably beautiful in its softness that it never
fails to impress.
Our almost five-year-old grandson would love this, we agreed.
Grandparents always need a "good thing to do" idea, and this would
surely keep him occupied for many hours.
Next time, let's carry a
picnic in a backpack and really enjoy this treasure that the County and
the Robinson Family so incredibly bestowed upon us.
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