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letter to the editor

Roth, Kaleta's Mayor?


At a recent Bradenton Beach mayoral debate, Mike Roth was asked if he was indebted or obliged to any developers. He said he "did not know any developers."

That would be a surprise to Shawn Kaleta. Shawn recently boasted to me that Mr. Roth was "his guy" and that once Roth was elected and Judy was out of his way, then he could do whatever he wanted in the city.

He bragged that he was going to change the name of Holmes Blvd to "Kaleta Blvd.”

Maybe he could change the city's name to "Kaletaville" too.

It has been a tough year. County developers wanted to take over our island.

It has been a tough month. Our city was pummeled by two major hurricanes.

Mayor Judy's administration has faced massive challenges. We have weathered great adversity under her leadership. Judy has worked within the framework of the law for all of our citizens, not just one.

We did not endure all this suffering, labor, and hardship just to give the city to Kaleta. We don't want Kaleta's mayor. We don't want Roth.

Vote for Judy!

Sean Murphy
Holmes Beach


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