Billie Lowe
Laurel Oak Country Club was the scene this past Saturday, 19 February 2011 for the annual George Washington's Birthday Luncheon hosted by the
Saramana Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution. Guests included members of the five chapters of the Daughter's of the American Revolution and twenty six "Wounded Warriors" chosen by the Military Order of the Purple Heart. These invited military men from our past wars ' WW II, Korea and Vietnam received the Saramana Chapter, SAR "Wounded Warrior" Medal and Certificate from Saramana President, Charles Riegle, and a Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition from U.S. Representative Vern Buchanan. Mr. Buchanan was unable to attend due to his Congressional duties in Washington, D.C.
This past November three "Wounded Warriors", members of Saramana Chapter had previously received this same honor. The "Wounded Warrior" award was created by the Saramana Chapter, SAR as it would seem to replicate the action taken by General George Washington over 235 years ago. However, this distinction should be noted:
As we are all aware now, the history of the Purple Heart medal for blood shed in combat with an enemy is really two fold. The original cloth Badge of Military Merit (given by General George Washington to a few men after the Revolutionary War) really had nothing to do with losing blood. It was given for conspicuous VALOR and was given at a time when only OFFICERS received medals. This was the FIRST award promulgated strictly for the enlisted men. Much later in our military history, we resurrected the look of the badge and changed the format to be a MEDAL, to be given to a soldier for losing blood on the field of combat.
They were escorted to the podium, two by two, through a double column Honor Guard of Saramana SAR members in full colonial uniform by Sergeant at Arms, "Chuck" Barrett beginning with those from WW II. Six came in full military uniform. One, Sgt James P. Lannon Jr. USMC, Vietnam was accompanied by his seeing eye dog, a chocolate colored Hungarian Viszla.
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