SARASOTA--The Public Transportation Task Force held it's quarterly meeting Monday morning at New College's Sudakoff Center in Sarasota. The board elected Venice Councilman Jim Bennett as its new Chairman and Longboat Key Commissioner Jim Brown as its new Vice-Chairman. The task force heard reports on ridership levels on MCAT and SCAT transportation systems and discussed the need to promote public transportation in both counties.
Sudakoff Center
5700 North Tamiami Trail
Sarasota, Florida 34243
8:30 A.M.
I. Call to Order and Introductions - Chairman Donna Hayes
II. Approval of the September 27, 2010 Meeting Minutes Unanimously approved
III. Open to the Public - No citizens came forward to speak
IV. SCAT & MCAT Transit System Updates - MCAT Manager Ralf Heseler reported ridership levels are up on all routes except the Anna Maria Trolley which is slightly down. There has been a reduction in Para-Transit trips due to budget cuts. Mr. Heseler spoke about the "Ride for Less Day" on MCAT Wednesday December 15th. All passengers who bring non-perishable food or unwrapped toy will be able to ride the bus for free on that day. Passengers may bring the items on board or there will be drop off stations at MCAT transfer stations.
SCAT ridership is up 10% over last year with approximately 10,000 passengers per day. Rt. 99 which is shared by MCAT and SCAT is hugely successful route.
Longboat Key Trolley - LBK Commissioner Jim Brown suggested a way of informing the public on the frequency changes to the trolley which will be going to an hourly from half-hourly as of January 1, 2011. Ralf Heseler said the county is required to notify the public a minimum of 10 days before the changes go in effect. He said he expects the ridership to decrease with the one hour headway.
V. FDOT Update - Manatee/Sarasota corridor study by TBARTA underway. Commissioner Donna Hayes, Manatee County's representative at TBARTA meetings reported the logo design to be put on TBARTA buses has been finalized and is being put into an electronic format. The logo is planned to be put on MCAT and SCAT buses at some point.
VI. Member Comments - Venice Councilman Jim Bennett discussed the need to promote transportation in both Manatee and Sarasota County.
VII. The next meeting will be held January 24, 2011 at 8:30 a.m.
VIII. Adjourned 9:17 a.m.
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