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SBEP Releases State of the Bay 2014 Report and Comprehensive Conservation Management Plan


SARASOTA — SBEP has released the State of the Bay 2014 Report and the updated Comprehensive Conservation Management Plan. The professionally designed documents are available on the SBEP website


All 28 National Estuary Programs in the U.S. were charged with developing and implementing a CCMP, which establishes priorities for restoration activities, research, and funding in the region where the estuary system is located.


The CCMP serves as a blueprint to guide future decisions and actions and addresses a wide range of environmental protection issues including water quality, habitat, fish and other wildlife, pathogens, land use, and introduced species. The CCMP is based on a scientific characterization of the estuary and is developed and approved by a coalition of community stakeholders.


In support of the Comprehensive Conservation Management Plan (CCMP), SBEP works with partners within the scientific community to conduct research to help fill gaps in our knowledge and to answer questions regarding the health and vitality of Sarasota Bay.