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Schools and Education Manatee School Board Agenda Results: 10/8/2012


BRADENTON -- During Monday's meeting, the school board approved of the employment agreement negotiated with new Interim Superintendent David Gayler. Also notable were new allegations made by Linda Schaich and Peggy Martin about the dismal 2012-2013 budget, as well as public comments by school bus drivers who made emotional cases against the financial plight drivers have been experiencing due to pay cuts in the budget.


1.Agenda Amendments - p.7

ATTENDANCE (5:45 p.m.)

2.Attendance - p.8

CALL TO ORDER (5:45 p.m.)

3.Call to Order - p.9
4.Manatee High School Color Guard - p.10
5.Pledge of Allegiance - p.11
6.Invocation - p.12
7.Approval of the Orders of the Day - p.13 (passes 5-0)
Attachment: Proposed Amended 5.13 Local Wellness Policy.pdf
Attachment: Agenda Item - Low Voltage Wiring.pdf
Attachment: Bid - Low Voltage Wiring.pdf
Attachment: Bidders List - Low Voltage Wiring.pdf
Attachment: Agenda Item - Supplemental Education Services.pdf
Attachment: Agenda Item - Audit Committee Report.pdf
Attachment: Agenda Item - Superintendent Search.pdf
Attachment: Agenda Item - Approval of Interim Superintendent Employment Agreement.pdf
Attachment: Interim Superintendent Employment Agreement.pdf
Attachment: M092412.pdf
Attachment: W100312.pdf
Attachment: CONTRACT - MANATEE PALMS 12-13.pdf
Attachment: SES Providers revised contract.pdf


8.Proclamation for the Month of the Young Adolescent - p.14 (motion to approve October as the month of the young adolescent passed 5-0)
Attachment: Proclamation for Month of the Young Adolescent.pdf


9.Audit Committee Report
10.Central Florida School Boards Coalition - p.15 
11.Superintendent Search Board Chair Harry Kinnan ran down the dates for the superintendent search meetings that will take place at each high school. He also said that on October 22, there will be another workshop with Dr. Wayne Blanton. 


12.Public Comments - p.16 During public comments, Peggy Martin and Linda Schaich came forward with new allegations on the mishandling of the 2012-2013 budget. Martin claimed that, contrary to the numbers given by the school board, there may be a deficit of $44 million lurking in the budget. She also told the board that the state may soon be investigating the Audit Committee, as the governor's office has shown initiative in addressing concerns about the Audit Committee's want to focus on only a very small part of the catastrophic 2012-2013 budget. (full story)

David Miner also spoke, praising David Gayler as a "consensus builder," and commended the board for asking him to be their interim. 


APPROVAL OF MINUTES (6:33 p.m.) (passes 5-0)

13.Approval of Minutes - p.17 
Attachment: M092412.pdf
Attachment: W100312.pdf

CONSENT ITEMS (6:35 p.m.) (passes 5-0)

Approval of Consent Agenda

14.Approval of October 8, 2012 Consent Agenda - p.18
Purchase(s) Bids $100,000.00 and Under

15.Approval of Proposal for Tree Trimming and Removal Services, MCSD No. 13-0019-MR - p.19
Attachment: 130019t.pdf
Attachment: 130019BL.pdf
Attachment: 130019BL Vendor Lk.pdf

16.Approval of Bid for Transmission Repair, MCSD No. 13-0023-SM - p.21
Attachment: 130023bl.pdf
Attachment: 130023t final.pdf

Purchase(s) Bids Over $100,000.00

17.Approval of Bid for Low Voltage Wiring, MCSD No. 13-0022-SM
Attachment: 130022t final.pdf
Attachment: 130022BL.pdf

Contracts and Grants

18.Approval of New Agreement Between the School Board of Manatee County and Various Provider for Clinical Experience for Manatee Technical Institute (MTI) Medical Assisting Students for the 2012-2014 School Years - p.23
19.Approval to Renew the Contract Between Premier Behavioral Solutions of Florida, Incorporated, dba Manatee Palms Youth Services and the School Board of Manatee County for the 2012-2013 School Year - p.25
Attachment: CONTRACT - MANATEE PALMS 12-13.pdf

20.Approval of the Amended Revised Contracts with Various State Approved Providers for the Provision of Supplemental Education Services for Eligible Students during the 2012-2013 School Year
Attachment: SES Providers revised contract.pdf

Construction Services

21.Approval of Oneco Elementary School - Extension of Lease for 2109 and 2111 52nd Avenue East, Bradenton - p.26
Attachment: Oneill Occupancy Extension Agreement 113012.pdf


22.Approval of Request to Declare Surplus and Demolish Building 19 Located at Manatee High School - p.27
Attachment: Structural Assessment MHS Bldg. 19 _09.07.12.pdf
Attachment: Quote Demo RE Johnson and Sons.pdf
Attachment: Quote Abatement and Monitoring OHC.pdf
Attachment: Asbestos Assessment.pdf
Attachment: Asbestos Assessment.pdf

Human Resources

23.Approval to Accept the Waiver of the Provisions of Article XII, Appendix B, Section G of the Master Contract between the Manatee County School Board and the Manatee Education Association in regard to Anna Maria Elementary School - p.29
Attachment: Anna Maria Elem - Team Leaders 10-08-12.pdf

24.Approval to Accept the Waiver of the Provisions of Article V, Section 34 of the Master Contract between the School Board of Manatee County and the Manatee Education Association in regard to the 21st Century Program at Bayshore Elementary School - p.30
Attachment: Bayshore Elem - 21st Century 10-08-12.pdf

25.Approval to Accept the Waiver of the Provisions of Article XII, Appendix B, Section G of the Master Contract between the School Board of Manatee County and the Manatee Education Association - Braden River Elementary School - p.31
Attachment: Braden River Elem - Team Leaders 10-08-12.pdf

26.Approval to Accept the Waiver of the Provisions of Article V, Section 34 of the Master Contract between the School Board of Manatee County and the Manatee Education Association re Wrangler Ranch After School Program at Braden River Elementary School- p.32
Attachment: Braden River Elem - After School Program 10-08-12.pdf

27.Approval to Accept the Waiver of the Provisions of Article XII, Appendix B, Section G of the Master Contract between the School Board of Manatee County and the Manatee Education Association in regard to Miller Elementary School - p.34
Attachment: Miller Elem - Team Leaders 10-08-12.pdf

28.Approval to Accept the Waiver of the Provisions of Article V, Section 34 of the Master Contract between the School Board of Manatee County and the Manatee Education Association in regard to the Storm Care Program at Miller Elementary School - p.35
Attachment: Miller Elem - Storm Care Program 10-08-12.pdf

29.Approval to Accept the Waiver of the Provisions of Article XII, Appendix B, Section G of the Master Contract between the Manatee County School Board and the Manatee Education Association in regard to Oneco Elementary School - p.36
Attachment: Oneco Elem - Team Leaders 10-08-12.pdf

30.Approval to Accept the Waiver of the Provisions of Article XII, Appendix B, Section G of the Master Contract between the Manatee County School Board and the Manatee Education Association in regard to Sea Breeze Elementary School - p.37
Attachment: Sea Breeze Elem - Team Leaders 10-08-12.pdf

31.Approval to Accept the Waiver of the Provisions of Article XII, Appendix B, Section G of the Master Contract between the Manatee County School Board and the Manatee Education Association in regard to Stewart Elementary School - p.38
Attachment: Stewart Elem - Team Leaders 10-08-12.pdf

32.Approval to Accept the Waiver of the Provisions of Article V, Section 4 of the Master Contract between the Manatee County School Board and the Manatee Education Association in regard to Wakeland Elementary School - p.39
Attachment: Wakeland Elem - Planning Time 10-08-12.pdf

33.Approval of the Report of Teachers who are Out-Of-Field in ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) - p.40
Attachment: ESOL 3 OOF Oct 2012.pdf

34.Approval of the Appointments, Change of Assignments, Deceased, Promotions, Reappointments, Reassignments, Recommendations for Professional Service Contracts, Resignations, Retirements, Terminations and Transfers - p.41
Attachment: Resume - Rozalyn Charette.pdf
Attachment: Board Material 10-08-12.pdf

35.Approval to Renew the Maintenance Contract Including Change Orders and Training for the Paperless Application Tracking and e-HR Portal Systems for 2012-2013 with 451-Solutions - p.42


36.Leaves for October 8, 2012 Board Meeting - p.44
Attachment: Leaves 10-08-12.pdf

NEW BUSINESS (Discussion Items Pulled from Consent)
NEW BUSINESS (Non-Consent Items) (6:39 p.m.)

37. Approval to Fill the Grant-Funded Position of Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resources System (FDLRS) Human Resource Development Specialist Position - p.45
(passes 5-0)
38. Approval of Advertising a Notice of Rule Development to Amend Policy 5.13, Local Wellness, and Setting a Public Hearing on the Proposed Amendment at the Board Meeting Scheduled on November 12, 2012 - p.47 (passes 5-0)
Attachment: Proposed Amended 5.13 Local Wellness Policy.pdf

39.Approval of the Employment Agreement Between the School Board of Manatee County, Florida and David E. Gayler as Interim Superintendent of Schools
Attachment: Interim Superintendent Employment Agreement.pdf (passes 5-0)
Board Attorney John Bowen said that Gayler's discussed salary is the same that had been given to former Superintendent Dr. McGonegal, including a severance account and car allowance. Because Gayler will be a temporary employee, he will not receive Social Security pay, nor retirement pay. 


40.School Board Workflow Items - p.48


41.School Board Proposed Agenda Items - p.49

BOARD COMMENTS (6:57 p.m.)

42.Board Comments - p.50
Carpenter: Thanked Bob Gagnon for his presentation at the Council of Governments meeting last week. 


43.Comments by John Bowen - p.51


44.Comments by Bob Gagnon - p.52 Mr. Gagnon, at his last board meeting as an interim, thanked the board for their confidence in him. "It's been an honor to serve, and I appreciate that," he said.

ADJOURNMENT (7:30 p.m.)

Adjournment of Meeting

45. Adjournment - p.53