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Scott's Numbers Improve Though Governor Still Trails Big-Name Rivals in Polls


BRADENTON – Governor Rick Scott's approval rating is climbing according to a poll released this week. A Quinnipiac University poll shows 43 percent of voters approve of the job Scott is doing. The last Quinnipiac poll showed the governor's approval rating at only 36 percent. A majority of Floridians still disapprove of Scott's performance and say they would elect both former governor Charlie Crist and Senator Bill Nelson over Scott in 2014. 


While Scott's new numbers, coming on the heels of his It's Working tour, are certainly an improvement, he remains one of the least popular governors in America. According to the poll, Floridians still feel the governor does not deserve a second term by a wide margin of 50-35.

44 percent who disapprove of the job he's doing, while his “favorable” rating improved seven points to 40 percent, while 42 percent had an unfavorable view of the governor.

Both Crist and Senator Bill Nelson each maintained a 10-point lead over Scott in the poll when voters were asked who they would prefer in a head-to-head race. 

Scott did, however, hold and edge over former Florida Senate Democratic leader Nan Rich (42 percent to 36 percent), the only Democratic candidate for governor in 2014 to have actually announced. Former Florida CFO Alex Sink, who narrowly lost to Scott in 2010's general election for governor, has also not ruled out a run.

Senator Nelson continues to deny that he is interested in making a gubernatorial run, though he hasn't fully closed the door. Crist on the other hand, has not announced, but is widely expected to run as a Democrat after recently switching parties and endorsing President Obama in 2012.