BRADENTON – Superintendent Rick Mills invites the community to join him for a complimentary light lunch and conversation at his “Soup with the Supe!” event at noon on Wednesday, March 5 at The Ranch Grill, located at 14475 S.R. 70 (at the corner of S.R. 70 and Lorraine Road).
Following a light lunch, Superintendent Mills will speak about issues related to the school district and engage in a question and answer session with guests who attend.
Seating is limited, so please make a reservation early.
To reserve a seat, contact Deborah Gambino of the the district’s Communications, Family and Community Engagement office at 708-8770, ext. 2225 or email her at:
The light lunch will be provided compliments of The Ranch Grill. For more information on The Ranch Grill please visit
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