BRADENTON -- 25 students were inducted into the National Adult Education Honor Society at Manatee Technical Institute last Thursday night at MTI’s West Campus. The Manatee adult education program is comprised of over 1,200 students, and those chosen for the honor were in the top 2 percent of their class.
The stories of the new members in this prestigious organization were inspiring. Luisa Cole’s children used to ask only their father for help with their homework; now that Cole has her GED, she says they come to her. Ingrid Cordova Cavero can be found in the library every day. She loves reading and learning.
Ronald Isma, an architect from Haiti with an engineering degree, came to the US with his wife to have a better life. Isma is focusing on improving his English. Mirna Lemus started her English classes at the high beginning level, but in just two months, she rose to the advanced level and wants to be a CNA.
Maria Janet Yates has such dedication to her education that she not only walks two miles to and from school every day, but also has not missed one day of class all year. Lazara Garcia is learning English at the age of 77. The mother of five, who also helped raise her eight younger brothers and sisters, is finally making time for herself to do what she has wanted to do for years, pursue her education. As a member of the National Adult Education Society, she is an inspiration to many of her more youthful classmates.
Family members, friends and instructors pinned the students with the official honor society pin. School Board chair Karen Carpenter and Adult Career and Technical Education director Doug Wagner were on hand to congratulate each student. MTI assistant director Linda Agresta recognized her staff, the District and MTI administration and the Board for their support.
The MTI Chapter is one of only nine chapters in the state of Florida. About half the inductees are working toward their GEDs, and the other half are learning English as a second language. The chapter is named the Lee Carter Brown Chapter after the deceased daughter of Suzanne Paul, the retired coordinator of the MTI adult education program. Carter-Brown was a strong advocate of literacy programs.
Larza Garcia with her daughter Veronica Socas and Manatee County School Board chair Karen Carpenter |
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