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Spotlight on Education: Braden River Student to Advance to Worldwide Microsoft Competition


BRADENTON -- Braden River High freshman Cory Bolles was selected as one of the top six finalists in the nation at the 2013 Microsoft Office Specialist U.S. National Championships held June 12-13, in Park City, Utah. By becoming a finalist at the National Championships, Bolles won the right to represent the U.S. in Microsoft PowerPointâ 2007 at the Microsoft Office Specialist Worldwide Competition in Washington, D.C., from July 31 – August 3, 2013.

From August 2012 to May 2013, more than 140,000 students in the United States entered to demonstrate their level of proficiency in utilizing the world's foremost desktop computing applications. At the U.S. National Championship 28 finalists participated in timed exams and interviews to demonstrate their expertise in Microsoft Office programs. Bolles won an all-expense paid trip to Washington, D.C. along with a chaperone.

“At Braden River High School we have seen certification build confidence and increase the real world technology skills of our students,” said Christy Goehring, Business Instructor at Braden River High School.  “Cory has already bolstered his resume with Microsoft certifications, and we are thrilled he now has the opportunity to use that knowledge to compete on a worldwide stage.”

The competition was sponsored by Certiport, a Pearson VUE business, the leading test delivery solution provider for the global workforce and academic markets.

“These students already have an accomplishment to put on their resumes and college applications that will set them above their peers with proven technology skills,” said Jim Holm, executive vice president, Certiport. “They demonstrated their expertise in Microsoft Office applications – which will help them as they continue their studies and find jobs. We know they will represent the U.S. well in Washington, D.C.”


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