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Spotlight on Education: Saint Stephen's Latin Team Recaptures 5th Place at State


(Bradenton, FL) – Saint Stephen's Latin Club made another strong showing at Florida's State Latin Forum in both the Junior and Senior Division. This is the sixth year in a row that Saint Stephen's has placed in the top ten in both categories. Helping the team along were three very strong performances in the creative category by Alexa Baroncelli,

Molly Persson and Delia Revard who turned in 1st, 2nd and 4th place finishes respectively. Five Saint Stephen's students, Mary Ann Placheril, Joe Class, Ethan Leuchter, Priyanka Singh and Gera Versfeld, were also invited to try out for the National Certamen teams.

In addition to these strong showings in Academics, Saint Stephen's student Shubham Mathur presided as president over the Forum and student Tiag Bhamber was elected Vice President of the Florida Junior Classical League.  As Vice President, Tiag will be a leading member of Florida Delegation at the National Junior Classical League Forum at the University of Nevada Las Vegas this July.

"We are enormously proud of the entire Latin club and each of the individual award winners," said Geoff Revard, Modern & Classical Languages Department Chair and Latin Club sponsor. "The students form a talented team and it is exciting for them to have their efforts recognized at a state competition."

About Saint Stephen's Episcopal School

Saint Stephen's Episcopal School is a private, co-educational, college preparatory day school located in Bradenton, FL, delivering a world-class education. At every level, from PK3 through grade 12, students are nurtured, encouraged and supported in their academic pursuits, benefiting from programs and educational models that have proven successful for Saint Stephen's students who are excelling today in colleges and universities around the country.