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Spotlight on Education: Wakeland Science Teacher Wins Classroon Grant for Energy Projects


BRADENTON -- The future of renewable and sustainable energy could be in the hands of 5th graders at Bradenton's Wakeland Elementary School thanks to ambitious eacher Ed Hashey and a grant from the Pollination Project. Hashey's classroom is being transformed into a working energy research laboratory, where students can build scale models of their cutting-edge creations: plant-based biofiltration systems, methane manure digesters, portable wind generators, and much more.

A retired engineer, Hashey says he became a classroom teacher in order to inspire young people to care about the world. He and his students recently won $1,000 from the Pollination Project, which awards seed grants for individuals who are making a difference in their communities. Hashey says the funding will help purchase supplies for the projects.

On Tuesday, there will be an evening exhibition of the students' inventions. Following the event, the class will be seeking eco-minded investors to help bring their visions to fruition.
