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Guest Commentary

The Most Important Election


As a Manatee County resident and the Mayor of the City of Holmes Beach, I am urging all Manatee County citizens to get out and vote and, more importantly, to vote responsibly. This election is not about liberals or conservatives, so please don’t believe the hype. This election is local and is about quality of life. Period.

In the past four years, we have been subject to an unprecedented implosion in county administration with the loss of 600+ experienced and dedicated department heads and staff. Citizens and commuters are spending hours of their daily lives stuck in traffic.

Our bays are subject to toxic algae due to stormwater runoff, nutrient loads, and sewage spills. Development is out of control, and it is we, the taxpayers, who are going to pay the price for added infrastructure, services, and decreased wetland setbacks.

Home Rule is at stake as big government is poised to consume small governments, and beach parking will no longer be free on island beaches due to the controversial and unwarranted parking garage.

In my 60+ years, there has never been a more important time to be informed and to use your voice by voting in this primary election. I thank the Anna Maria Island Sun, The Islander, The Bradenton Times, and The Bradenton Journal for the exceptional coverage of this election and the candidates running for office.


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  • magstarwire

    Mayor Titsworth - very well said. I hope our Mantee County citizens are listening.

    Friday, August 2 Report this