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Third-Party Facts...

... with none of the "fake" news


There is a lot of misinformation spreading around this campaign season. And it’s not coming from the so-called fake, liberal news.

The special-interest side, flush with their unlimited “donations” and willingness to push the line toward completely criminal behavior, has pulled out all the stops. Clearly, their polls are not going well for their incompetent but complicit candidates.

They have pushed out unethical voter guides with questionable use of official logos. They opened questions of a manipulated election by stealing the Supervisor of Elections position for a pawn ready to weaponize the office. They have locked down the official Republican headquarters and forwarded the phone to an unqualified Chair and candidate to steer uninformed votes their way. They have hosted fundraisers for a union upon receiving an endorsement. They have “asked” the Governor to endorse bought-out candidates even if he won’t admit to it. They have littered every right-of-way, abandoned property, Benderson strip center and parcel of Medallion development land with their signs (however, they’ve seemingly avoided any actual citizens’ front yards).

They have done nothing but traffic in lies and attacks with little time spent toward making their candidates actually look qualified and worthy of your vote. But they’re not trying to win your vote. They are trying to scare you into NOT voting for your better option - the grassroots candidate out working with you - and instead leaving their terrible candidates as the default alternative for the unsuspecting Republican voter.

They will spend millions buying these seats since those they put in those seats will make them hundreds of millions during their term…all at your expense and at the expense of Manatee County’s future.

Rather than give you my (admittedly) biased opinions, I’m going to give you unbiased third-party information you can share with your friends, family, and any & all other voters in Manatee County, so everyone can make good decisions come August 20.

Remember, a bad decision by someone you didn’t inform will affect you as much as it affects them. Only, you’ll be aware of the damage they caused, while they’ll go back to being oblivious until the 2026 mailers start hitting their mailboxes.

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George Kruse is the District 7 (at-large) Manatee County Commissioner. He faces the incumbent District 3 commissioner, Kevin Van Ostenbridge, in the Republican primary. This article was originally posted in Commissioner Kruse's blog, For Lack of a Second. Click here to subscribe.


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