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This Week in Local Government, May 30-June 3


MANATEE COUNTY -- It's a short week with the Memorial Day Holiday, however, the Manatee County BOCC will listen to County Administrator Ed Hunzeker's presentation of the budget proposal on Wednesday afternoon in the BOCC chambers.

Monday, May 30

All offices closed for Memorial Day

Tuesday, May 31


 No Meetings

Wednesday, June 1


Bradenton City Council Workshop (Agenda)

8:30 a.m.
City Council Chambers
101 Old Main Street

Manatee County Budget Presentation (Agenda)
1:30 p.m. -- 5:00 p.m.

BOCC Chambers

1st floor County Administration Building

1112 Manatee Ave West

Thursday, June 2

Manatee County Land Use Meeting  (Agenda)

BOCC Chambers

1st floor County Administration Building
1112 Manatee Avenue West
9 a.m.