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Trustees Select Corcoran as New College's Permanent President


SARASOTA — On Tuesday, New College of Florida’s Board of Trustees selected Richard Corcoran as the school’s next president. Corcoran’s selection comes after a six-month presidential search process during which the former Florida House Speaker and close DeSantis ally served as interim president of the college.

“We want to extend our gratitude to the presidential search committee, who conducted a robust nationwide search to bring us candidates that would capably guide New College into the future,” said Board of Trustees Chair Debra A. Jenks in a press release announcing the decision. “With the selection of President Corcoran, New College is poised to continue on its path of becoming the best liberal arts institution in the nation. Thank you to all those who participated in this process.”

There was little doubt that Corcoran would be selected, the culmination of a nearly year-long overhaul of the liberal arts college by the governor as part of his "war on woke" campaign strategy. During that time, the board of trustees was packed with conservative activists.

Corcoran was selected for the interim role on Jan. 31, following the newly-appointed board's near-immediate firing of then-President Patricia Okker.

Corcoran will now enter into contract negotiations with the school, which will be considered at the next board of trustees meeting later this month and is expected to be somewhere in the neighborhood of $1 million.

As interim president, Corcoran is already one of the highest-paid presidents in the state's college system, despite New College being its smallest school. He enjoys a base salary of $699,000 and also receives an annual housing stipend of $84,000, as well as $12,000 for an automobile stipend. His yearly retirement supplement is $104,850 and he is eligible for an additional $104,850 if he meets certain performance targets.


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  • Cat L

    Wow... hubris.

    New College was already one of the best liberal arts colleges in the nation. They turned out more students that went on to achieve their PHD than any other college in the United States.

    Wednesday, October 4, 2023 Report this

  • san.gander

    Why is this no surprise news at all. A reward for a political "axe" job and he'll get a good $$$$ reward of taxpayer money for it. This reeks! He's not a scholar, not an ethical person, not even a fair person. New college is headed by a political "hack". Well, goodbye reputation of both New College and the state of Florida on freedom of education!

    Wednesday, October 4, 2023 Report this

  • Charles

    New College was an honors college that proportionally graduated more Fulbright Scholars than any other college or university in USA. Now the standard for admission has been reduced to invite jocks to apply for scholarshis to fill the new batting cages... cages seem appropriate

    Wednesday, October 4, 2023 Report this

  • Charles

    New College was an honors college that proportionally graduated more Fulbright Scholars than any other college or university in USA. Now the standard for admission has been reduced to invite jocks to apply for scholarshis to fill the new batting cages... cages seem appropriate

    Wednesday, October 4, 2023 Report this

  • rjckeuka4

    Another "SHAM" search!! We've had a lot of them around here the past couple of years! Surprise, surprise! Pile this one onto the County ones. New College will never again be a premier liberal arts college. In fact, the only way it will be able to enroll students is to buy them,...atheletes, wannabe right wing politicians, etc. The same goes for faculty. What self-respecting "real" academician from a prestigious university would lower him/herself to work for these clowns? Mr. Corcoran may not know it, but the demographics of college age students decreases by 25% from 2025-2028. Ya think New College is going to out-recruit UF, FSU UCF, FIU, USF for students? If Corcoran thinks so, he's got to be smoking something. He may not even know that will happen. Take it from someone who's been there, the place is going to go to pot,...and not the kind that's always been there.

    Wednesday, October 4, 2023 Report this