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Video News Video: Senator Bill Nelson Debates Congressman Connie Mack (full debate)


Senator Bill Nelson and Congressman Connie Mack squared off in their only debate Wednesday night at Nova Southeastern University in Davie. The gloves were off from the start, as both candidates sought to tie their opponents to the policies of their party's presidential nominee. Nelson, 70, is seeking his third six-year term in the U.S. Senate. Long considered a moderate Democrat, he is under attack by Mack, 45, who has painted him as a Washington liberal out of step with most Florida voters, while moving toward the far right of his own party.

The debate was a town hall-style format in which members of the audience posed most of the questions. The moderator strictly held the contestants to 1:15 second answers (maintaining admirable control over the process). The responses were often combative, as each Mack and Nelson took turns peppering each other with accusations, then defending themselves in turn. Both candidates accused the other of intentionally distorting the facts on nearly every statement. Politifact provided fact checking analysis of disputed claims.