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Video: ShelterBox USA presents at St. Martha Catholic School


SARASOTA -- St. Martha Catholic School in Satasota had a visit from the ShelterBox USA organization on Wednesday. Students got a firsthand look at how their fundraising efforts helped the people of Haiti through the organization's shelter, aid and clean water relief kits.

Reporter Erica Newport visited St. Martha Catholic School with videographer Robin 'Roblimo' Miller to provide this video news report.

(Click to start playback)

Close to $7000.00 dollars has been raised by the students, teachers and parents to help Shelter Box help Haiti. Youth took some time to walk through the tent and look over items that were sent to the disaster area, including a water purification kit, a small stove, bedding, tools, and children supplies.

Those who want to help through St. Martha Catholic School can call (941) 953-4181.

To contact ShelterBox USA directly, visit the ShelterBox USA Web site, call (941) 907-6036, or send an e-mail.


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