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MANATEE COUNTY – After six months of extensive repair and construction, Warner’s Bayou boat ramp is set to open to the public on Wed., July 3

The popular boat launch and picnic area at 5900 Riverview Blvd. was closed in January to extend the life of the aging boat launch. The boat ramp, floating dock and fixed docks have been replaced and upgraded. Additional renovations include: 

• The parking lot received new vegetated storm water runoff treatment areas adjacent to the existing parking lots. Also, two ADA accessible, paved vehicular parking spaces will be created: one on the north side of the park and one adjacent to kayak launches; 

• A new restroom building has been built on the north side of the ramp. The restrooms will have time-controlled doors, restricting after hours access; 

• Two new fish cleaning stations have replaced the old station in its current location, not attached to the restroom. 

A seawall collapsed unexpectedly during renovation work, extending the ramp closure by about two months. Alan Lai Hipp, Manatee County Marine Resources Manager, said the new seawall will extend the useful life of the boat ramp by several decades. 

“We’re very pleased with the way the project has turned out,” said Alan Lai Hipp, Manatee County Marine Resources Manager. “We've had to deal with some setbacks along the way but all in all I think the users of the facility will be pleased with the improvements.” 

The project was funded entirely through Manatee County's Boating Improvement Fund and the West Coast Inland Navigation District.