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William Charles Dale

William Charles Dale, 72, of Bradenton, FL-- husband, brother, uncle, cousin and friend--passed from our world peacefully at home on October 21, 2022, after a long and valiant battle with cancer.

He was a brave and righteous man and we will forever honor him and treasure his memory.

Our Bill was born in Springfield, Massachusetts on August 1, 1950. He was the only son of local dentist Dr. William Glynn Dale and Margaret Ely Dale. He spent his wonder years in Springfield with his sister, Kathleen Dale Mineo and many friends and relatives, where he swam in his backyard "pond," went to the Cape in the summer, and generally instigated good-natured commotion. He was captain of Cathedral High School’s debate team (big surprise to all of us who knew him), studied occasionally, and played golf every minute he could, skipping the occasional (boring) class or taking a break from his jobs at the high school, the Goodyear tire factory, and the summer camp across the pond.

As per family and Massachusetts tradition, Bill was heavy into local, state and national politics, an advocation and passion that he pursued all his life. He read at least four newspapers a day and followed the local and international news. No one knew what was going on around the corner or the world better than Bill. He was our walking encyclopedia and dictionary and #1 answer man on just about everything. People who didn’t know Bill thought he was a little snarky and possibly snooty but he was just 1940s smooth and smart, tolerating us normal IQ people with his sidewise, semi-smirky smile that you found yourself liking in the end. After high school, Bill went to Washington, DC and Georgetown University, where he "put in time" going to some classes he found interesting and filling in the rest of his day with bridge tournaments, going to DC jazz clubs, and working "on the Hill" for then Springfield Congressman Eddie Boland.

Bill graduated in 1972 with a BS (yes, bs) in Foreign Service, which included assorted majors and minors in economics, history and international affairs. Georgetown provided Bill with some good academic credentials, which a naturally smart genius needs to compete for a job, but it also gave him something that changed the rest of his life. During his senior year at Georgetown, he met his future wife, Theresa (aka Terry/Dinny) Corasaniti, a Spanish major at the now-defunct Georgetown School of Languages and Linguistics. Bill says it was love at first sight; Terry, not so much. But he must have done something impressive because they courted for three years and married in 1975. They stayed married for 47 tumultuously blissful years until his death this year on October 21. If that’s not true love, what is? The Dales lived in Washington DC for the next 13 years where Bill worked first as an analyst for the US Securities and Exchange Commission; then as a stockbroker and investment researcher at G.A. Saxton, a private investment think-tank of the 1970s. Bill finally returned to the SEC as an economist. He and Terry moved to Baltimore (Terry’s hometown) in 1988. As a result, Bill commuted with many others on the MARC train to DC for the next 17 years to work in the SEC’s Office of Economic Policy and Analysis. There Bill and his colleagues "sniffed out the MO’s" of white-collar criminals, including the likes of many high-profile crooks (whose names you know but we cannot divulge) in preparation for SEC lawyers and agents to bring them to trial and sometimes justice. Bill had enough of all things Fed in 2005 and retired from the SEC. He threw away his commuter pass and stayed home in Baltimore at the Tramore Road/Corasaniti compound. He cut grass, golfed, followed the Red Sox and Orioles, and shoveled snow until he and Terry packed it up for Bradenton and moved in 2016 to be with Bill’s sister’s family and the warm sun of paradise.

Bill was a happy man in Florida. He found a way to get his Wall Street Journal and New York Times delivered to his door so he could drink wicked strong "Uncle Bill" coffee while reading them in his Lazy Boy every morning. He played golf with his bro in law, niece, nephew and friends any time they could get a tee time at the local courses, especially River Run. He was president of his condo association for five years, a job that most people run from, but one that he actually liked because he loved his condo neighbors and taking care of the challenges that managing an HOA always dropped daily at his door. It was a beautiful thing to watch our Bill, former all-business, SEC G-man, charm the ladies and win over the guys as he negotiated his way through problems. He got things done using patience and good sense and nine times out of ten, everyone was satisfied, even happy with the outcome. After years of carefully saving and giving Terry the stink eye every time she bought some "doodad" to decorate the house, he took pride in letting her style up the Bradenton condo with whatever she wanted, as long as she let him have the big TV in the living room. The two of them loved going out with family and friends but they were also just as happy to stay home, each doing their very different things but always comfortably together. Losing Bill to cancer, an ugly, evil disease, ended that. It is cold and unfair. All of us who knew and loved Bill are in shock. We will have to find a way to continue living life, putting one foot in front of the other. It is hard and it hurts but that is the way it is. Bill would not say much but he would soldier on and find a way to be content and maybe happy again. So that is what we have to do. We have to do it for him and for us. Family was everything to Bill so we salute all of them for him here.

Bill’s mother and father, Dr. William G. Dale and Margaret Ely Dale and Bill’s sister, Kathleen Dale Mineo have all gone before him. As has his Uncle Leonard Dale, Cousin Lee Dale, Auntie Lib Ely Troughton, Uncle Chuck Ely and Cousin Mark Ely. He leaves behind his wife Theresa (aka Terry/Dinny) Corasaniti Dale and family members including: His Mineo Family: Tom Sr., Tommy Jr., and Jesselynn and Kim Mineo. His Corasaniti Family: Theresa M. Corasaniti and Meg Corasaniti; Joseph, Susan and Salvatore Corasaniti; Charles (Buck) and Caitlin Banks Corasaniti; Edward, Philomena (Corasaniti), Alex and Sarah Cooper and Jessica Cooper and Ron Gratz; Leonard, Heather and Mairin Corasaniti; Justin and Nora Corasaniti Hudson; Madeline and Gabriella Corasaniti; Jennings McManus and Carrie Leahy; Connor, Kat (Gonzalez) and Aurora McManus; and Grayson McManus and Abby Benn. His Ely/Troughton Family: Charles (Chip) and Robbie Ely and children; Jane and Robert (Bob) Williams and children; Lynn Ely and children; Beth and Thomas (Tom) Janus and children; Meg Troughton and Maryalice Troughton and children.

Services will be 9:30 A.M. Friday, October 28, 2022, at Ss Peter & Paul the Apostles Catholic Church. We will be streaming the service on Facebook livehttps://www.facebook.com/brownandsonsfuneral

Condolences may be made to: www.brownandsonsfuneral.com